// Second session factory doesn't; just needs a transaction manager
TransactionManager remoteTM = DualNodeJtaTransactionManagerImpl.getInstance(DualNodeTestUtil.REMOTE);
SessionFactory remoteFactory = getSecondNodeEnvironment().getSessionFactory();
ClassLoaderTestDAO dao0 = new ClassLoaderTestDAO(localFactory, localTM);
ClassLoaderTestDAO dao1 = new ClassLoaderTestDAO(remoteFactory, remoteTM);
Integer id = new Integer(1);
dao0.createAccount(dao0.getSmith(), id, new Integer(5), DualNodeTestUtil.LOCAL);
// Basic sanity check
Account acct1 = dao1.getAccount(id);
assertEquals(DualNodeTestUtil.LOCAL, acct1.getBranch());
// This dao's session factory isn't caching, so cache won't see this change
dao1.updateAccountBranch(id, DualNodeTestUtil.REMOTE);
// dao1's session doesn't touch the cache,
// so reading from dao0 should show a stale value from the cache
// (we check to confirm the cache is used)
Account acct0 = dao0.getAccount(id);
assertEquals(DualNodeTestUtil.LOCAL, acct0.getBranch());
// Now call session.refresh and confirm we get the correct value
acct0 = dao0.getAccountWithRefresh(id);
assertEquals(DualNodeTestUtil.REMOTE, acct0.getBranch());
// Double check with a brand new session, in case the other session
// for some reason bypassed the 2nd level cache
ClassLoaderTestDAO dao0A = new ClassLoaderTestDAO(localFactory, localTM);
Account acct0A = dao0A.getAccount(id);
assertEquals(DualNodeTestUtil.REMOTE, acct0A.getBranch());