Each Tuple entry is stored as a property in a MongoDB document. Each association is stored in an association document containing three properties: - the association table name (optionally) - the RowKey column names and values - the tuples as an array of elements Associations can be stored as: - one MongoDB collection per association class. The collection name is prefixed. - one MongoDB collection for all associations (the association table name property in then used) - embed the collection info in the owning entity document is planned but not supported at the moment (OGM-177) Collection of embeddable are stored within the owning entity document under the unqualified collection role In MongoDB is possible to batch operations but only for the creation of new documents and only if they don't have invalid characters in the field name. If these conditions are not met, the MongoDB mechanism for batch operations is not going to be used.
@author Guillaume Scheibel <guillaume.scheibel@gmail.com>
@author Alan Fitton <alan at eth0.org.uk>
@author Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel@hibernate.org>
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