indexClass( indexer, packageName.replace( '.', '/' ) + "/package-info.class" );
Index index = indexer.complete();
// process the xml configuration
final OrmXmlParser ormParser = new OrmXmlParser( this );
List<JaxbRoot<XMLEntityMappings>> mappings = new ArrayList<JaxbRoot<XMLEntityMappings>>();
for ( JaxbRoot<?> root : metadataSources.getJaxbRootList() ) {
if ( root.getRoot() instanceof XMLEntityMappings ) {
mappings.add( (JaxbRoot<XMLEntityMappings>) root );
index = ormParser.parseAndUpdateIndex( mappings, index );
// create the annotation binder and pass it the final annotation index
final AnnotationBinder annotationBinder = new AnnotationBinder( this );
annotationBinder.bindGlobalAnnotations( index );
annotationBinder.bindMappedClasses( index );