* @throws SQLException
private void processPrimaryKey(DatabaseCollector dbs, Table table) {
List columns = new ArrayList();
PrimaryKey key = null;
Iterator primaryKeyIterator = null;
try {
Map primaryKeyRs = null;
primaryKeyIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getPrimaryKeys(getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName() );
while (primaryKeyIterator.hasNext() ) {
primaryKeyRs = (Map) primaryKeyIterator.next();
/*String ownCatalog = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_CAT");
String ownSchema = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
String ownTable = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_NAME");*/
String columnName = (String) primaryKeyRs.get("COLUMN_NAME");
short seq = ((Short)primaryKeyRs.get("KEY_SEQ")).shortValue();
String name = (String) primaryKeyRs.get("PK_NAME");
if(key==null) {
key = new PrimaryKey();
if(table.getPrimaryKey()!=null) {
throw new JDBCBinderException(table + " already has a primary key!"); //TODO: ignore ?
else {
if(!(name==key.getName() ) && name!=null && !name.equals(key.getName() ) ) {
throw new JDBCBinderException("Duplicate names found for primarykey. Existing name: " + key.getName() + " JDBC name: " + name + " on table " + table);
columns.add(new Object[] { new Short(seq), columnName});
} finally {
if (primaryKeyIterator!=null) {
try {
} catch(JDBCException se) {
log.warn("Exception when closing resultset for reading primary key information",se);
// sort the columns accoring to the key_seq.
Collections.sort(columns,new Comparator() {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Short left = (Short) ( (Object[]) o1)[0];
Short right = (Short) ( (Object[]) o2)[0];
return left.compareTo(right);
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
List t = new ArrayList(columns.size());
Iterator cols = columns.iterator();
while (cols.hasNext() ) {
Object[] element = (Object[]) cols.next();
columns = t;
if(key==null) {
log.warn("The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in " + table.getName() + ". Asking rev.eng. strategy" );
List userPrimaryKey = revengStrategy.getPrimaryKeyColumnNames(TableIdentifier.create(table));
if(userPrimaryKey!=null && !userPrimaryKey.isEmpty()) {
key = new PrimaryKey();
key.setName(new Alias(15, "PK").toAliasString( table.getName()));
if(table.getPrimaryKey()!=null) {
throw new JDBCBinderException(table + " already has a primary key!"); //TODO: ignore ?
columns = new ArrayList(userPrimaryKey);
} else {
log.warn("Rev.eng. strategy did not report any primary key columns for " + table.getName());
Iterator suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName = getMetaDataDialect().getSuggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName( getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName() );
try {
if(suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName.hasNext()) {
Map m = (Map) suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName.next();
String suggestion = (String) m.get( "HIBERNATE_STRATEGY" );
if(suggestion!=null) {
dbs.addSuggestedIdentifierStrategy( table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName(), suggestion );
} finally {
if(suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName!=null) {
try {
} catch(JDBCException se) {
log.warn("Exception while closing iterator for suggested primary key strategy name",se);
if(key!=null) {
cols = columns.iterator();
while (cols.hasNext() ) {
String name = (String) cols.next();
// should get column from table if it already exists!
Column col = getColumn(table, name);
log.debug("primary key for " + table + " -> " + key);