public Pair<P> update(K key, V value) { P pos = find(key); if (pos == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " does not exist in the database"); } return new Pair<P>(pos, updateAt(pos, key, value)); }
assertNotClosed(); assertNotReadOnly(); Long pos = find(key); if (pos == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " was not found in the database"); } return new Pair<Long>(pos, updateAt(pos, key, value)); }
} List<KeyAndValue<K, V>> records = nsr.m_node.getRecords(); int pos = findRecord(key, records); if (pos < 0) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " does not exist in the tree."); } replaceInternal(nsr, pos, key, newValue); }
assertNotReadOnly(); Long pos = find(key); if (pos == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " does not exist in the database"); } return new Pair<Long>(pos, updateAt(pos, key, value)); }
public Pair<K> update(K key, V value) { assertNotClosed(); if (!m_map.containsKey(key)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " does not exist in the database"); } m_map.put(key, value); updateContentsVersion(); return new Pair<K>(key, key); }
assertNotClosed(); assertNotReadOnly(); P pos = m_tree.find(m_keyHasher.hash(key)); if (pos == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("The key " + key + " does not exist in the database"); } // Our listener on m_backend takes care of updating the index tree. return new Pair<P>(pos, getProxied().updateAt(pos, key, value)); }