Package org.h2.table

Examples of org.h2.table.TableFilter$TableFilterVisitor

        case CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_CHECK: {
            int id = getObjectId();
            String name = generateConstraintName(table);
            ConstraintCheck check = new ConstraintCheck(getSchema(), id, name, table);
            TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, table, null, false, null);
            checkExpression.mapColumns(filter, 0);
            checkExpression = checkExpression.optimize(session);
            constraint = check;
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    private Update parseUpdate() {
        Update command = new Update(session);
        currentPrepared = command;
        int start = lastParseIndex;
        TableFilter filter = readSimpleTableFilter();
        if (readIf("(")) {
            ArrayList<Column> columns = New.arrayList();
            do {
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            if (!equalsToken("SET", currentToken)) {
                // SET is not a keyword (PostgreSQL supports it as a table name)
                alias = readAliasIdentifier();
        return new TableFilter(session, table, alias, rightsChecked, currentSelect);
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            limit = readTerm().optimize(session);
        currentPrepared = command;
        int start = lastParseIndex;
        TableFilter filter = readSimpleTableFilter();
        if (readIf("WHERE")) {
            Expression condition = readExpression();
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                    s = session;
                alias = session.getNextSystemIdentifier(sqlCommand);
                table = TableView.createTempView(s, session.getUser(), alias, query, currentSelect);
            } else {
                TableFilter top;
                if (database.getSettings().nestedJoins) {
                    top = readTableFilter(false);
                    top = readJoin(top, currentSelect, false, false);
                    top = getNested(top);
                } else {
                    top = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                    top = readJoin(top, currentSelect, false, fromOuter);
                alias = readFromAlias(null);
                if (alias != null) {
                return top;
        } else if (readIf("VALUES")) {
            table = parseValuesTable().getTable();
        } else {
            String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null);
            Schema schema = getSchema();
            if (readIf("(")) {
                Schema mainSchema = database.getSchema(Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN);
                if (equalsToken(tableName, RangeTable.NAME)) {
                    Expression min = readExpression();
                    Expression max = readExpression();
                    table = new RangeTable(mainSchema, min, max, false);
                } else {
                    Expression expr = readFunction(schema, tableName);
                    if (!(expr instanceof FunctionCall)) {
                        throw getSyntaxError();
                    FunctionCall call = (FunctionCall) expr;
                    if (!call.isDeterministic()) {
                        recompileAlways = true;
                    table = new FunctionTable(mainSchema, session, expr, call);
            } else if (equalsToken("DUAL", tableName)) {
                table = getDualTable(false);
            } else if (database.getMode().sysDummy1 && equalsToken("SYSDUMMY1", tableName)) {
                table = getDualTable(false);
            } else {
                table = readTableOrView(tableName);
        alias = readFromAlias(alias);
        return new TableFilter(session, table, alias, rightsChecked, currentSelect);
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        return command;

    private TableFilter readJoin(TableFilter top, Select command, boolean nested, boolean fromOuter) {
        boolean joined = false;
        TableFilter last = top;
        boolean nestedJoins = database.getSettings().nestedJoins;
        while (true) {
            if (readIf("RIGHT")) {
                joined = true;
                // the right hand side is the 'inner' table usually
                TableFilter newTop = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                newTop = readJoin(newTop, command, nested, true);
                Expression on = null;
                if (readIf("ON")) {
                    on = readExpression();
                if (nestedJoins) {
                    top = getNested(top);
                    newTop.addJoin(top, true, false, on);
                } else {
                    newTop.addJoin(top, true, false, on);
                top = newTop;
                last = newTop;
            } else if (readIf("LEFT")) {
                joined = true;
                TableFilter join = readTableFilter(true);
                if (nestedJoins) {
                    join = readJoin(join, command, true, true);
                } else {
                    top = readJoin(top, command, false, true);
                Expression on = null;
                if (readIf("ON")) {
                    on = readExpression();
                top.addJoin(join, true, false, on);
                last = join;
            } else if (readIf("FULL")) {
                throw getSyntaxError();
            } else if (readIf("INNER")) {
                joined = true;
                TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                top = readJoin(top, command, false, false);
                Expression on = null;
                if (readIf("ON")) {
                    on = readExpression();
                if (nestedJoins) {
                    top.addJoin(join, false, false, on);
                } else {
                    top.addJoin(join, fromOuter, false, on);
                last = join;
            } else if (readIf("JOIN")) {
                joined = true;
                TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                top = readJoin(top, command, false, false);
                Expression on = null;
                if (readIf("ON")) {
                    on = readExpression();
                if (nestedJoins) {
                    top.addJoin(join, false, false, on);
                } else {
                    top.addJoin(join, fromOuter, false, on);
                last = join;
            } else if (readIf("CROSS")) {
                joined = true;
                TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                if (nestedJoins) {
                    top.addJoin(join, false, false, null);
                } else {
                    top.addJoin(join, fromOuter, false, null);
                last = join;
            } else if (readIf("NATURAL")) {
                joined = true;
                TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
                Column[] tableCols = last.getTable().getColumns();
                Column[] joinCols = join.getTable().getColumns();
                String tableSchema = last.getTable().getSchema().getName();
                String joinSchema = join.getTable().getSchema().getName();
                Expression on = null;
                for (Column tc : tableCols) {
                    String tableColumnName = tc.getName();
                    for (Column c : joinCols) {
                        String joinColumnName = c.getName();
                        if (equalsToken(tableColumnName, joinColumnName)) {
                            Expression tableExpr = new ExpressionColumn(database, tableSchema, last
                                    .getTableAlias(), tableColumnName);
                            Expression joinExpr = new ExpressionColumn(database, joinSchema, join
                                    .getTableAlias(), joinColumnName);
                            Expression equal = new Comparison(session, Comparison.EQUAL, tableExpr, joinExpr);
                            if (on == null) {
                                on = equal;
                            } else {
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        return top;

    private TableFilter getNested(TableFilter n) {
        String joinTable = Constants.PREFIX_JOIN + parseIndex;
        TableFilter top = new TableFilter(session, getDualTable(true), joinTable, rightsChecked, currentSelect);
        top.addJoin(n, false, true, null);
        return top;
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        return select;

    private void parseSelectSimpleFromPart(Select command) {
        do {
            TableFilter filter = readTableFilter(false);
            parseJoinTableFilter(filter, command);
        } while (readIf(","));
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    private void parseJoinTableFilter(TableFilter top, final Select command) {
        top = readJoin(top, command, false, top.isJoinOuter());
        command.addTableFilter(top, true);
        boolean isOuter = false;
        while (true) {
            TableFilter n = top.getNestedJoin();
            if (n != null) {
                n.visit(new TableFilterVisitor() {
                    public void accept(TableFilter f) {
                        command.addTableFilter(f, false);
            TableFilter join = top.getJoin();
            if (join == null) {
            isOuter = isOuter | join.isJoinOuter();
            if (isOuter) {
                command.addTableFilter(join, false);
            } else {
                // make flat so the optimizer can work better
                Expression on = join.getJoinCondition();
                if (on != null) {
                command.addTableFilter(join, true);
            top = join;
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            if (!readIf("FROM")) {
                // select without FROM: convert to SELECT ... FROM
                // SYSTEM_RANGE(1,1)
                Table dual = getDualTable(false);
                TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, dual, null, rightsChecked, currentSelect);
                command.addTableFilter(filter, true);
            } else {
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Related Classes of org.h2.table.TableFilter$TableFilterVisitor

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