Some {@code Bindings} are managed, often by another {@code Binding}. A managed {@code Binding} does not allow certain methods to be called by theuser. These methods are identified in their documentation. Subclasses should call {@code setManaged(true)} to make themselves managed. {@code Binding}provides protected versions of the managed methods with the suffix {@code "Unmanaged"} for subclasses to use internally without checking whetheror not they are managed.
Any {@code PropertyResolutionExceptions} thrown by {@code Property} objectsused by this binding are allowed to flow through to the caller of the {@code Binding} methods. @param < SS> the type of source object @param < SV> the type of value that the source property represents @param < TS> the type of target object @param < TV> the type of value that the target property represents @author Shannon Hickey @author Georgios J. Geprgopoulos