* @return the dictionary of curGroup descending nodes
public static Map<String, String> createDictionary(final Group curGroup)
HashMap<String, String> dico = new HashMap<String, String>();
DataItem item;
List<?> dataItems;
List<?> groups;
Group group;
// Get all data nodes (means NeXus dataset) sons of currently opened node
dataItems = curGroup.getDataItems();
// Add each node to the dictionary
String key, path;
for (Object name : dataItems) {
item = (DataItem) name;
// Fill the map: "unique_node_name" => "path/to/reach/node"
key = item.getName().replace("/", "_");
path = "/" + item.getName();
dico.put(key, path);
// Get all groups directly belonging to the current node
groups = curGroup.getGroups();