Package org.gridgain.grid.kernal.processors.dataload

Examples of org.gridgain.grid.kernal.processors.dataload.GridDataLoaderImpl$Buffer

     * Tests {@link BlockingBuffer#get()} in combination with {@link BlockingBuffer#add()}.
    public void testGetWithAdd() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();

        new DelayedAdd(blockingBuffer, obj).start();

        // verify does not throw BufferUnderflowException; should block until other thread has added to the buffer .
        assertSame(obj, blockingBuffer.get());
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     * Tests {@link BlockingBuffer#get()} in combination with {@link BlockingBuffer#addAll()}.
    public void testGetWithAddAll() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();

        new DelayedAddAll(blockingBuffer, obj).start();

        // verify does not throw BufferUnderflowException; should block until other thread has added to the buffer .
        assertSame(obj, blockingBuffer.get());
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     * Tests {@link BlockingBuffer#remove()} in combination with {@link BlockingBuffer#add()}.
    public void testRemoveWithAdd() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();

        new DelayedAdd(blockingBuffer, obj).start();

        // verify does not throw BufferUnderflowException; should block until other thread has added to the buffer .
        assertSame(obj, blockingBuffer.remove());
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     * Tests {@link BlockingBuffer#remove()} in combination with {@link BlockingBuffer#addAll()}.
    public void testRemoveWithAddAll() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();

        new DelayedAddAll(blockingBuffer, obj).start();

        // verify does not throw BufferUnderflowException; should block until other thread has added to the buffer .
        assertSame(obj, blockingBuffer.remove());
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     * Two read threads should block on an empty buffer until one object
     * is added then both threads should complete.
    public void testBlockedGetWithAdd() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();
        // run methods will get and compare -- must wait for add
        Thread thread1 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj);
        Thread thread2 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj);
        // give hungry read threads ample time to hang
        // notifyAll should allow both read threads to complete
        // allow notified threads to complete
        // There should not be any threads waiting.
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     * Two read threads should block on an empty buffer until a
     * singleton is added then both threads should complete.
    public void testBlockedGetWithAddAll() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();
        // run methods will get and compare -- must wait for addAll
        Thread thread1 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj);
        Thread thread2 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj);
        // give hungry read threads ample time to hang
        // notifyAll should allow both read threads to complete
        // allow notified threads to complete
        // There should not be any threads waiting.
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     * Tests interrupted {@link BlockingBuffer#get()}.
    public void testInterruptedGet() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();
        // spawn a read thread to wait on the empty buffer
        ArrayList exceptionList = new ArrayList();
        Thread thread = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj, exceptionList);
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     * object is added then one thread should complete. The remaining
     * thread should complete after the addition of a second object.
    public void testBlockedRemoveWithAdd() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();
        // run methods will remove and compare -- must wait for add
        Thread thread1 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj, null, "remove");
        Thread thread2 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj, null, "remove");
        // give hungry read threads ample time to hang

        // allow notified threads to complete
        // There should be one thread waiting.
        assertTrue("There is one thread waiting", thread1.isAlive() ^ thread2.isAlive());

        // allow notified thread to complete

        // There should not be any threads waiting.
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     * complete. The remaining thread should complete after the
     * addition of a second singleton.
    public void testBlockedRemoveWithAddAll1() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj = new Object();
        // run methods will remove and compare -- must wait for addAll
        Thread thread1 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj, null, "remove");
        Thread thread2 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, obj, null, "remove");
        // give hungry read threads ample time to hang

        // allow notified threads to complete
        // There should be one thread waiting.
        assertTrue("There is one thread waiting", thread1.isAlive() ^ thread2.isAlive());

        // allow notified thread to complete

        // There should not be any threads waiting.
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     * threads should complete. Each thread should have read a
     * different object.
    public void testBlockedRemoveWithAddAll2() {

        Buffer blockingBuffer = BlockingBuffer.decorate(new MyBuffer());
        Object obj1 = new Object();
        Object obj2 = new Object();

        Set objs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());

        // run methods will remove and compare -- must wait for addAll
        Thread thread1 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, objs, "remove");
        Thread thread2 = new ReadThread(blockingBuffer, objs, "remove");
        // give hungry read threads ample time to hang

        // allow notified threads to complete

        assertEquals("Both objects were removed", 0, objs.size());
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Related Classes of org.gridgain.grid.kernal.processors.dataload.GridDataLoaderImpl$Buffer

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