Package org.grails.core.exceptions

Examples of org.grails.core.exceptions.GrailsDomainException

        // populating into a map

        // if no identifier property throw exception
        if (identifier == null) {
            throw new GrailsDomainException("Identity property not found, but required in domain class ["+getFullName()+"]");
        // if no version property throw exception
        if (version == null) {
            throw new GrailsDomainException("Version property not found, but required in domain class ["+getFullName()+"]");
        // set properties from map values
        properties = propertyMap.values().toArray(new GrailsDomainClassProperty[propertyMap.size()]);

        // establish relationships
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                    // We've run out of options. The given "mappedBy"
                    // setting is invalid.
                    boolean isNone = "none".equals(mappingProperty);
                    if (pd == null && !isNone) {
                        throw new GrailsDomainException("Non-existent mapping property ["+mappingProperty+"] specified for property ["+property.getName()+"] in class ["+getClazz()+"]");
                    else if (pd != null) {
                        // Tie the properties together.
                        relatedClassPropertyType = pd.getPropertyType();
                else {
                    if(mappedBy.containsKey(property.getName()) && mappedBy.get(property.getName()) == null) return;
                    // if the related type has a relationships map it may be a many-to-many
                    // figure out if there is a many-to-many relationship defined
                    if (isRelationshipManyToMany(property, relatedClassType, relatedClassRelationships)) {
                        String relatedClassPropertyName = null;
                        Map relatedClassMappedBy = GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil.getMappedByMap(relatedClassType);
                        // retrieve the relationship property
                        for (Object o : relatedClassRelationships.keySet()) {
                            String currentKey = (String) o;
                            String mappedByProperty = (String) relatedClassMappedBy.get(currentKey);
                            if (mappedByProperty != null && !mappedByProperty.equals(property.getName())) continue;
                            Class<?> currentClass = (Class<?>)relatedClassRelationships.get(currentKey);
                            if (currentClass.isAssignableFrom(getClazz())) {
                                relatedClassPropertyName = currentKey;

                        // if there is one defined get the type
                        if (relatedClassPropertyName != null) {
                            relatedClassPropertyType = GrailsClassUtils.getPropertyType(relatedClassType, relatedClassPropertyName);
                    // otherwise figure out if there is a one-to-many relationship by retrieving any properties that are of the related type
                    // if there is more than one property then (for the moment) ignore the relationship
                    if (relatedClassPropertyType == null) {
                        PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = GrailsClassUtils.getPropertiesOfType(relatedClassType, getClazz());

                        if (descriptors.length == 1) {
                            relatedClassPropertyType = descriptors[0].getPropertyType();
                        else if (descriptors.length > 1) {
                            // try now to use the class name by convention
                            String classPropertyName = getPropertyName();
                            PropertyDescriptor pd = findProperty(descriptors, classPropertyName);
                            if (pd == null) {
                                throw new GrailsDomainException("Property ["+property.getName()+"] in class ["+getClazz()+"] is a bidirectional one-to-many with two possible properties on the inverse side. "+
                                        "Either name one of the properties on other side of the relationship ["+classPropertyName+"] or use the 'mappedBy' static to define the property " +
                                        "that the relationship is mapped with. Example: static mappedBy = ["+property.getName()+":'myprop']");
                            relatedClassPropertyType = pd.getPropertyType();
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            owningSide = isOwningSide(propertyClass, associatedOwners);
        if (relatedOwner && property.isOwningSide()) {
            throw new GrailsDomainException("Domain classes [" + propertyClass +
                    "] and [" + relatedClassType +
                    "] cannot own each other in a many-to-many relationship. Both contain belongsTo definitions that reference each other.");
        if (!relatedOwner && !property.isOwningSide() && !(property.isCircular() && property.isManyToMany())) {
            throw new GrailsDomainException("No owner defined between domain classes ["+propertyClass+"] and ["+relatedClassType+"] in a many-to-many relationship. Example: static belongsTo = "+relatedClassType.getName());
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Related Classes of org.grails.core.exceptions.GrailsDomainException

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