A customization SPI for the async client request instances. A request customizer can be used to configure Async HTTP Client specific details of the request, which are not directly exposed via the JAX-RS, Jersey or Grizzly connector provider API.
Before a request is built and sent for execution, a registered request customizer implementation can update the Async HTTP Client {@link com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder request builder} usedto build the request instance ultimately sent for processing. An instance of the request customizer can be either {@link #register(ClientConfig,RequestCustomizer) registered globally}for all requests by registering the customizer in the Jersey client configuration, or it can be individually {@link #register(Invocation.Builder,RequestCustomizer) registered per request}, by registering it into a specific invocation builder instance. In case of a conflict when one instance is registered globally and another per request, the per request registered customizer takes precedence and the global customizer will be ignored.
@see org.glassfish.jersey.grizzly.connector.GrizzlyConnectorProvider.AsyncClientCustomizer
@see #register(org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig,GrizzlyConnectorProvider.RequestCustomizer)
@see #register(Invocation.Builder,GrizzlyConnectorProvider.RequestCustomizer)
@since 2.10