Package org.glassfish.flashlight

Examples of org.glassfish.flashlight.MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry

    public List<TreeNode> getChildNodes() {
        List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry = RestService.getMonitoringRegistry();

        if (path == null) {
            //FIXME - Return appropriate message to the user
            //return Response.status(400).entity("match pattern is invalid or null").build();
            return list;

        if (monitoringRegistry == null) {
            //FIXME - Return appropriate message to the user
            //return Response.status(404).entity("monitoring facility not installed").build();
            return list;

        if ((path.equals("")) || (path.equals("/"))) {
            //Return the sub-resource list of root nodes

            //FIXME - No MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry API available to get hold of
            //all the root nodes. We need this in case of clustering. We need to
            //get hold of root nodes for all the server instances.
            TreeNode serverNode = monitoringRegistry.get("server");
            if (serverNode != null) {
                //check to make sure we do not display empty server resource
                //    - http://host:port/monitoring/domain/server
                //When you turn monitoring levels HIGH and then turn them OFF,
                //you may see empty server resource. This is because server tree
                //node has children (disabled) even when all the monitoring
                //levels are turned OFF.
                //Issue: 9921
                if (!serverNode.getEnabledChildNodes().isEmpty()) {
                return list;
            } else {
                //No root node available, so nothing to list
                //FIXME - Return appropriate message to the user
                ///return Response.status(404).entity("No monitoring data. Please check monitoring levels are configured").build();
                return list;

        //ignore the starting slash
        if (path.startsWith("/")) {
            path = path.substring(1);

        //replace all . with \.
        path = path.replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.");

        String dottedName = path.replace('/', '.');

        String root;
        int index =  dottedName.indexOf('.');
        if (index != -1) {
            root = dottedName.substring(0, dottedName.indexOf('.'));
            dottedName = dottedName.substring(dottedName.indexOf('.') + 1 );
        } else {
            root = dottedName;
            dottedName = "";

        //TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get("server");
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(root);
        if (rootNode == null) {
            //No monitoring data, so nothing to list
            //FIXME - Return appropriate message to the user
            ///return Response.status(404).entity("No monitoring data. Please check monitoring levels are configured").build();
            return list;
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getComponent(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getRemoteLocator().getService(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getComponent(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getRemoteLocator().getService(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getRemoteLocator().getService(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getService(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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        String currentInstanceName = System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
        boolean isRunningOnDAS = "server".equals(currentInstanceName); //TODO this needs to come from an API. Check with admin team
        MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry monitoringRegistry =habitat.getRemoteLocator().getService(MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class);
        TreeNode rootNode = monitoringRegistry.get(currentInstanceName);

        //The pathSegments will always contain "domain". Discard it
        pathSegments = pathSegments.subList(1, pathSegments.size());
        if(!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
            PathSegment lastSegment = pathSegments.get(pathSegments.size() - 1);
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.flashlight.MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry

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