if (!writeOnCommit) return;
// otherwise proceed to write policy file
Map roleToSubjectMap = null;
SecurityRoleMapperFactory factory=SecurityRoleMapperFactoryGen.getSecurityRoleMapperFactory();
if (rolePermissionsTable != null) {
// Make sure a role to subject map has been defined for the Policy Context
if (factory != null) {
// the rolemapper is stored against the
// appname, for a web app get the appname for this contextid
SecurityRoleMapper srm = factory.getRoleMapper(CONTEXT_ID);
if (srm != null) {
roleToSubjectMap = srm.getRoleToSubjectMapping();
if (roleToSubjectMap != null) {
// make sure all liked PC's have the same roleToSubjectMap
Set linkSet = (Set) fact.getLinkTable().get(CONTEXT_ID);
if (linkSet != null) {
Iterator it = linkSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String contextId = (String)it.next();
if (!CONTEXT_ID.equals(contextId)) {
SecurityRoleMapper otherSrm = factory.getRoleMapper(contextId);
Map otherRoleToSubjectMap = null;
if (otherSrm != null) {
otherRoleToSubjectMap = otherSrm.getRoleToSubjectMapping();