private static void addSentencesTrueByRules(
Multimap<SentenceForm, GdlSentence> sentencesByForm,
SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException {
AimaProver prover = new AimaProver(model.getDescription());
for (SentenceForm form : model.getConstantSentenceForms()) {
GdlSentence query = form.getSentenceFromTuple(getVariablesTuple(form.getTupleSize()));
for (GdlSentence result : prover.askAll(query, ImmutableSet.<GdlSentence>of())) {
//Variables may end up being replaced with functions, which is not
//what we want here, so we have to double-check that the form is correct.
if (form.matches(result)) {
sentencesByForm.put(form, result);