Package org.geowebcache.service

Examples of org.geowebcache.service.OWSException


            writeFixedResponse(response, reqE.getResponseCode(), reqE.getContentType(),
                    reqE.getResponse(), CacheResult.OTHER);
        } catch (OWSException e) {
            OWSException owsE = (OWSException) e;
            writeFixedResponse(response, owsE.getResponseCode(), owsE.getContentType(),
                    owsE.getResponse(), CacheResult.OTHER);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!(e instanceof BadTileException) || log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.error(e.getMessage() + " " + request.getRequestURL().toString());
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                encoding, keys);

        String req = values.get("request");
        if (req == null) {
            // OWSException(httpCode, exceptionCode, locator, exceptionText);
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "request",
                    "Missing Request parameter");
        } else {
            req = req.toLowerCase();

        if (req.equals("gettile")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = getTile(values, request, response, RequestType.TILE);
            return tile;
        } else if (req.equals("getcapabilities")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = new ConveyorTile(sb, values.get("layer"), request, response);
            return tile;
        } else if (req.equals("getfeatureinfo")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = getTile(values, request, response, RequestType.FEATUREINFO);
            return tile;
        } else {
            throw new OWSException(501, "OperationNotSupported", "request", req
                    + " is not implemented");
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            HttpServletResponse response, RequestType reqType) throws OWSException {
        String encoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();

        String layer = values.get("layer");
        if (layer == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "LAYER", "Missing LAYER parameter");

        TileLayer tileLayer = null;

        try {
            tileLayer = tld.getTileLayer(layer);
        } catch (GeoWebCacheException e) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "LAYER", "LAYER " + layer
                    + " is not known.");

        Map<String, String> fullParameters;
        try {
            fullParameters = tileLayer.getModifiableParameters(request.getParameterMap(), encoding);
        } catch (GeoWebCacheException e) {
            throw new OWSException(500, "NoApplicableCode", "", e.getMessage()
                    + " while fetching modifiable parameters for LAYER " + layer);

        MimeType mimeType = null;
        if (reqType == RequestType.TILE) {
            String format = values.get("format");
            if (format == null) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "FORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested FORMAT, " + format);
            try {
                mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(format);
            } catch (MimeException me) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "FORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested FORMAT, " + format);
        } else {
            String infoFormat = ServletUtils.stringFromMap(request.getParameterMap(),
                    request.getCharacterEncoding(), "infoformat");
            if (infoFormat == null) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "INFOFORMAT",
                        "Parameter INFOFORMAT was not provided");
            try {
                mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(infoFormat);
            } catch (MimeException me) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "INFOFORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested INFOFORMAT, " + infoFormat);

        final String tilematrixset = values.get("tilematrixset");
        if (tilematrixset == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEMATRIXSET",
                    "No TILEMATRIXSET specified");

        GridSubset gridSubset = tileLayer.getGridSubset(tilematrixset);
        if (gridSubset == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "TILEMATRIXSET",
                    "Unable to match requested TILEMATRIXSET " + tilematrixset
                            + " to those supported by layer");

        final String tileMatrix = values.get("tilematrix");
        if (tileMatrix == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEMATRIX",
                    "No TILEMATRIX specified");
        long z = gridSubset.getGridIndex(tileMatrix);

        if (z < 0) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "TILEMATRIX",
                    "Unknown TILEMATRIX " + tileMatrix);

        // WMTS has 0 in the top left corner -> flip y value
        final String tileRow = values.get("tilerow");
        if (tileRow == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEROW", "No TILEROW specified");
        long[] gridExtent = gridSubset.getGridSetExtent((int) z);
        long y = gridExtent[1] - Long.parseLong(tileRow) - 1;

        String tileCol = values.get("tilecol");
        if (tileCol == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILECOLUMN",
                    "No TILECOLUMN specified");
        long x = Long.parseLong(tileCol);

        long[] gridCov = gridSubset.getCoverage((int) z);

        if (x < gridCov[0] || x > gridCov[2]) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "TileOutOfRange", "TILECOLUMN", "Column " + x
                    + " is out of range, min: " + gridCov[0] + " max:" + gridCov[2]);

        if (y < gridCov[1] || y > gridCov[3]) {
            long minRow = gridExtent[1] - gridCov[3] - 1;
            long maxRow = gridExtent[1] - gridCov[1] - 1;

            throw new OWSException(400, "TileOutOfRange", "TILEROW", "Row " + tileRow
                    + " is out of range, min: " + minRow + " max:" + maxRow);

        long[] tileIndex = { x, y, z };
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            writeFixedResponse(response, reqE.getResponseCode(), reqE.getContentType(),
                    reqE.getResponse(), CacheResult.OTHER);
        } catch (OWSException e) {
            OWSException owsE = (OWSException) e;
            writeFixedResponse(response, owsE.getResponseCode(), owsE.getContentType(),
                    owsE.getResponse(), CacheResult.OTHER);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!(e instanceof BadTileException) || log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.error(e.getMessage() + " " + request.getRequestURL().toString());
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        // 2) Find out what layer will be used and how
        conv = service.getConveyor(request, response);
        final String layerName = conv.getLayerId();
        if (layerName != null && !tileLayerDispatcher.getTileLayer(layerName).isEnabled()) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "LAYERS", "Layer '" + layerName
                    + "' is disabled");

        // Check where this should be dispatched
        if (conv.reqHandler == Conveyor.RequestHandler.SERVICE) {
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                convTile.servletReq.getCharacterEncoding(), keys);

        try {
            i = Integer.parseInt(values.get("i"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "I", "I was not specified");

        try {
            j = Integer.parseInt(values.get("j"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "J", "J was not specified");

        this.convTile = convTile;
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    protected void writeResponse(RuntimeStats stats) throws OWSException {
        TileLayer layer = convTile.getLayer();

        GridSet gridSet = convTile.getGridSubset().getGridSet();
        if (gridSet.getTileHeight() < j || j < 0) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "PointIJOutOfRange", "J", "J was " + j
                    + ", must be between 0 and " + gridSet.getTileHeight());

        if (gridSet.getTileWidth() < i || i < 0) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "PointIJOutOfRange", "I", "I was " + i
                    + ", must be between 0 and " + gridSet.getTileWidth());

        Resource data = null;
        try {
            BoundingBox bbox = convTile.getGridSubset().boundsFromIndex(convTile.getTileIndex());
            data = layer.getFeatureInfo(convTile, bbox, convTile.getGridSubset().getTileHeight(),
                    convTile.getGridSubset().getTileWidth(), i, j);
        } catch (GeoWebCacheException e) {
            throw new OWSException(500, "NoApplicableCode", "", e.getMessage());

        int size = (int) data.getSize();
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                encoding, keys);

        String req = values.get("request");
        if (req == null) {
            // OWSException(httpCode, exceptionCode, locator, exceptionText);
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "request",
                    "Missing Request parameter");
        } else {
            req = req.toLowerCase();

        if (req.equals("gettile")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = getTile(values, request, response, RequestType.TILE);
            return tile;
        } else if (req.equals("getcapabilities")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = new ConveyorTile(sb, values.get("layer"), request, response);
            return tile;
        } else if (req.equals("getfeatureinfo")) {
            ConveyorTile tile = getTile(values, request, response, RequestType.FEATUREINFO);
            return tile;
        } else {
            throw new OWSException(501, "OperationNotSupported", "request", req
                    + " is not implemented");
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            HttpServletResponse response, RequestType reqType) throws OWSException {
        String encoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();

        String layer = values.get("layer");
        if (layer == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "LAYER", "Missing LAYER parameter");

        TileLayer tileLayer = null;

        try {
            tileLayer = tld.getTileLayer(layer);
        } catch (GeoWebCacheException e) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "LAYER", "LAYER " + layer
                    + " is not known.");

        Map<String, String> fullParameters;
        try {
            // WMTS uses the "STYLE" instead of "STYLES"
            Map<String, Object> rawParameters = new HashMap<>(request.getParameterMap());
            for(Entry<String, Object> e:rawParameters.entrySet()){
                if(e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("STYLE")) {
                    rawParameters.put("STYLES", e.getValue());
            fullParameters = tileLayer.getModifiableParameters(rawParameters, encoding);

        } catch (GeoWebCacheException e) {
            throw new OWSException(500, "NoApplicableCode", "", e.getMessage()
                    + " while fetching modifiable parameters for LAYER " + layer);

        MimeType mimeType = null;
        if (reqType == RequestType.TILE) {
            String format = values.get("format");
            if (format == null) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "FORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested FORMAT, " + format);
            try {
                mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(format);
            } catch (MimeException me) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "FORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested FORMAT, " + format);
        } else {
            String infoFormat = ServletUtils.stringFromMap(request.getParameterMap(),
                    request.getCharacterEncoding(), "infoformat");
            if (infoFormat == null) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "INFOFORMAT",
                        "Parameter INFOFORMAT was not provided");
            try {
                mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(infoFormat);
            } catch (MimeException me) {
                throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "INFOFORMAT",
                        "Unable to determine requested INFOFORMAT, " + infoFormat);

        final String tilematrixset = values.get("tilematrixset");
        if (tilematrixset == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEMATRIXSET",
                    "No TILEMATRIXSET specified");

        GridSubset gridSubset = tileLayer.getGridSubset(tilematrixset);
        if (gridSubset == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "TILEMATRIXSET",
                    "Unable to match requested TILEMATRIXSET " + tilematrixset
                            + " to those supported by layer");

        final String tileMatrix = values.get("tilematrix");
        if (tileMatrix == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEMATRIX",
                    "No TILEMATRIX specified");
        long z = gridSubset.getGridIndex(tileMatrix);

        if (z < 0) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "InvalidParameterValue", "TILEMATRIX",
                    "Unknown TILEMATRIX " + tileMatrix);

        // WMTS has 0 in the top left corner -> flip y value
        final String tileRow = values.get("tilerow");
        if (tileRow == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILEROW", "No TILEROW specified");
        final long tilesHigh = gridSubset.getNumTilesHigh((int) z);

        long y = tilesHigh - Long.parseLong(tileRow) - 1;

        String tileCol = values.get("tilecol");
        if (tileCol == null) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "MissingParameterValue", "TILECOLUMN",
                    "No TILECOLUMN specified");
        long x = Long.parseLong(tileCol);

        long[] gridCov = gridSubset.getCoverage((int) z);

        if (x < gridCov[0] || x > gridCov[2]) {
            throw new OWSException(400, "TileOutOfRange", "TILECOLUMN", "Column " + x
                    + " is out of range, min: " + gridCov[0] + " max:" + gridCov[2]);

        if (y < gridCov[1] || y > gridCov[3]) {
            long minRow = tilesHigh - gridCov[3] - 1;
            long maxRow = tilesHigh - gridCov[1] - 1;

            throw new OWSException(400, "TileOutOfRange", "TILEROW", "Row " + tileRow
                    + " is out of range, min: " + minRow + " max:" + maxRow);

        long[] tileIndex = { x, y, z };
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Related Classes of org.geowebcache.service.OWSException

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