final TileCacheInfo tileCacheInfo = info.getTileCacheInfo();
final SpatialReference spatialReference = tileCacheInfo.getSpatialReference();
final SRS srs;
final BoundingBox gridSetExtent;
final boolean alignTopLeft = true;
final double[] resolutions;
* let scale denoms be null so GridSetFactory computes them based on resolutions. The
* resulting values will be pretty close to the ones defined in the ArcGIS tiling scheme
final double[] scaleDenominators = null;
final Double metersPerUnit;
final String[] scaleNames = null;
final int tileWidth = tileCacheInfo.getTileCols();
final int tileHeight = tileCacheInfo.getTileRows();
final boolean yCoordinateFirst = false;
final double pixelSize = 0.0254 / tileCacheInfo.getDPI();// see GridSubset.getDotsPerInch()
int epsgNumber = spatialReference.getWKID();
if (0 == epsgNumber) {
srs = SRS.getSRS(epsgNumber);