switch (simpleType.getChildType()) {
case SimpleType.RESTRICTION:
// determine whether to print or reference the child st
SimpleType st = simpleType.getParents()[0];
ai = null;
if (schema.getTargetNamespace().equals(st.getNamespace())) {
if ((st.getName() != null) && (st.getName() != "")) {
SimpleType[] sts = schema.getSimpleTypes();
if (sts != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < sts.length; i++)
if (st.getName().equals(sts[i].getName())) {
ai = new AttributesImpl();
ai.addAttribute("", "base", "", "QName",
} else {
ai = new AttributesImpl();
Schema s = SchemaFactory.getInstance(st.getNamespace());
ai.addAttribute("", "base", "", "QName",
s.getPrefix() + ":" + st.getName());
ph.startElement(XSISimpleTypes.NAMESPACE, "restriction", ai);
if (ai == null) {
writeSimpleType(st, schema, ph, hints);
Facet[] facets = simpleType.getFacets();
if (facets != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < facets.length; i++)
writeFacet(facets[i], ph);
ph.endElement(XSISimpleTypes.NAMESPACE, "restriction");
case SimpleType.LIST:
// determine whether to print or reference the child st
st = simpleType.getParents()[0];
ai = null;
if (schema.getTargetNamespace().equals(st.getNamespace())) {
if ((st.getName() != null) && (st.getName() != "")) {
SimpleType[] sts = schema.getSimpleTypes();
if (sts != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < sts.length; i++)
if (st.getName().equals(sts[i].getName())) {
ai = new AttributesImpl();
ai.addAttribute("", "itemType", "", "QName",
} else {
ai = new AttributesImpl();
Schema s = SchemaFactory.getInstance(st.getNamespace());
ai.addAttribute("", "itemType", "", "QName",
s.getPrefix() + ":" + st.getName());
ph.startElement(XSISimpleTypes.NAMESPACE, "list", ai);
if (ai == null) {
writeSimpleType(st, schema, ph, hints);
ph.endElement(XSISimpleTypes.NAMESPACE, "list");
case SimpleType.UNION:
// determine whether to print or reference the child st
SimpleType[] sts = simpleType.getParents();
String memberTypes = null;
List childTs = new LinkedList();
if (sts != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < sts.length; j++) {
st = sts[j];
if (schema.getTargetNamespace().equals(st.getNamespace())) {
boolean found = false;
if ((st.getName() != null) && (st.getName() != "")) {
SimpleType[] sts2 = schema.getSimpleTypes();
if (sts2 != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < sts2.length; i++)
if (st.getName().equals(sts2[i].getName())) {
found = true;
if (memberTypes == null) {
memberTypes = st.getName();
} else {
memberTypes += (" " + st.getName());
if (!found) {
} else {
ai = new AttributesImpl();
Schema s = SchemaFactory.getInstance(st.getNamespace());
if (memberTypes == null) {
memberTypes = s.getPrefix() + ":" + st.getName();
} else {
memberTypes += (" " + s.getPrefix() + ":"
+ st.getName());