Property | Type | Description | Geotools Default |
{@code serverName} | String | Oracle database server host name | {@code localhost} |
{@code databaseName} | String | Oracle database name | {@code EPSG} |
{@code schema} | String | The schema for the EPSG tables | |
{@code portNumber} | int | TCP port which the Oracle database server is listening on | {@code 1521} |
{@code user} | String | User used to make database connections | {@code GeoTools} |
{@code password} | String | Password used to make database connections | {@code GeoTools} |
The database version is given in the {@linkplain org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation#getEdition edition attribute}of the {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory#getAuthority authority}. The Oracle database should be read only.
Just having this class accessible in the classpath, together with the registration in the {@code META-INF/services/} directory, is sufficient to get a working EPSG authorityfactory backed by this database. Vendors can create a copy of this class, modify it and bundle it with their own distribution if they want to connect their users to an other database. @since 2.4 @source $URL$ @version $Id$ @author Didier Richard @author Martin Desruisseaux @author Jody Garnett