* transform below instead: it allows to concatenates many Bursa Wolf parameters
* in a single affine transform.
if (molodenskiMethod != null) {
ReferenceIdentifier identifier = DATUM_SHIFT;
BursaWolfParameters bursaWolf = null;
if (sourceDatum instanceof DefaultGeodeticDatum) {
bursaWolf = ((DefaultGeodeticDatum) sourceDatum).getBursaWolfParameters(targetDatum);
if (bursaWolf == null) {
* No direct path found. Try the more expensive matrix calculation, and
* see if we can retrofit the result in a BursaWolfParameters object.
final Matrix shift = DefaultGeodeticDatum.getAffineTransform(sourceDatum, targetDatum);
if (shift != null) try {
bursaWolf = new BursaWolfParameters(targetDatum);
bursaWolf.setAffineTransform(shift, 1E-4);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
* A matrix exists, but we are unable to retrofit it as a set of Bursa-Wolf
* parameters. Do NOT set the 'bursaWolf' variable: it must stay null, which
* means to perform the datum shift using geocentric coordinates.
} else if (lenientDatumShift) {
* No BursaWolf parameters available. No affine transform to be applied in
* geocentric coordinates are available neither (the "shift" matrix above),
* so performing a geocentric transformation will not help. But the user wants
* us to perform the datum shift anyway. We will notify the user through
* positional accuracy, which is set indirectly through ELLIPSOID_SHIFT.
bursaWolf = new BursaWolfParameters(targetDatum);
identifier = ELLIPSOID_SHIFT;
* Applies the Molodenski transformation now. Note: in current parameters, we can't
* specify a different input and output dimension. However, our Molodenski transform
* allows that. We should expand the parameters block for this case (TODO).
if (bursaWolf!=null && bursaWolf.isTranslation()) {
final Ellipsoid sourceEllipsoid = sourceDatum.getEllipsoid();
final Ellipsoid targetEllipsoid = targetDatum.getEllipsoid();
if (bursaWolf.isIdentity() && equalsIgnoreMetadata(sourceEllipsoid, targetEllipsoid)) {
final Matrix matrix = swapAndScaleAxis(sourceCS, targetCS, sourcePM, targetPM);
return createFromAffineTransform(identifier, sourceCRS, targetCRS, matrix);
final int sourceDim = getDimension(sourceCRS);
final int targetDim = getDimension(targetCRS);