A process for raster to vector conversion. Regions of uniform value in an input {@linkplain GridCoverage2D} are converted into {@linkplain Polygon}s by tracing the cell boundaries. Results are returned as a {@linkplain SimpleFeatureCollection} in which each feature corresponds to a rasterregion with the boundary {@code Polygon} as its default geometry ("the_geom")and the value of the raster region cells as an attribute ("value").
Optionally, a list of classification ranges ( {@linkplain org.jaitools.numeric.Range} objects) can be provided to pre-classify the input coverage values into intervals. Vectorizing can also be restricted to a sub-area of the coverage and/or a subset of raster values (by defining values to treat as no-data).
@author Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
@since 8.0
@source $URL$
@version $Id$