final Renderer3D renderer3D = new Renderer3DImpl( exampleMap );
final Component mapView3D = renderer3D.get3DView();
// Create a 2D renderer with the same data for comparsion
final StreamingRenderer streamingRenderer = new StreamingRenderer();
final JMapPane mapView2D = new JMapPane( streamingRenderer, exampleMap );
mapView2D.setMapArea( exampleMap.getLayerBounds() );
mapView2D.setState( JMapPane.Pan );
mapView2D.setCursor( new Cursor( Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR ) );
// Build and show the rest of the UI
final JLabel labelFor3DView = new JLabel( "3D map renderer" );
createUi( wrapInTitledPanel( mapView3D, labelFor3DView ),
wrapInTitledPanel( mapView2D, new JLabel( "2D JMapPanel view" ) ) );