// Point: the point itself
// MultiPoint: the average of the contained points
if (this instanceof PointImpl ||
this instanceof MultiPointImpl) {
CentroidPoint cp = new CentroidPoint(this.crs);
return cp.getCentroid();
} else
// CurveBoundary: the average of start and end point
if (this instanceof CurveBoundaryImpl) {
CentroidPoint cp = new CentroidPoint(this.crs);
return cp.getCentroid();
} else
// Curve: the average of the weighted line segments
// MultiCurve: the average of the weighted line segments of all contained curves
// Ring: the average of the weighted line segments of the contained curves
if (this instanceof CurveImpl ||
this instanceof MultiCurveImpl ||
this instanceof RingImpl) {
CentroidLine cl = new CentroidLine(this.crs);
return cl.getCentroid();
} else
// SurfaceBoundary: the average of the weighted line segments of all curves of the exterior and interior rings
if (this instanceof SurfaceBoundaryImpl) {
CentroidLine cl = new CentroidLine(this.crs);
Iterator<Ring> interiors = ((SurfaceBoundaryImpl)this).getInteriors().iterator();
while (interiors.hasNext()) {
cl.add((GeometryImpl) interiors.next());
return cl.getCentroid();
} else
// Surface: the average of the surface (considers holes)
// MultiSurface: the average of all contained surfaces (considers holes)
if (this instanceof SurfaceImpl ||
this instanceof MultiSurfaceImpl) {
CentroidArea2D ca = new CentroidArea2D(this.crs);
return ca.getCentroid();
// Missing: CompositePoint, CompositeCurve, CompositeSurface
// - MultiPrimitive
// The ISO 19107 specs state that the centroid of a colleciton of primitives
// should only take into consideration the primitives with the largest
// dimension (ie: if there are points, lines and polygons, it only considers
// the polygons).
if (this instanceof MultiPrimitiveImpl) {
// First figure out what type of primtives should be considered in this
// multiprimitive
int maxD = this.getDimension(null);
// get the centroid point of each element in this multiprimitive that matches
// the maxD dimension and return the average of the centroid points
CentroidPoint cp = new CentroidPoint(this.crs);
Set<? extends Primitive> elems = ((MultiPrimitiveImpl)this).getElements();
Iterator<? extends Primitive> iter = elems.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Geometry prim = iter.next();
if (prim.getDimension(null) == maxD) {
cp.add(new PointImpl(prim.getCentroid()));
// return the average of the centroid points
return cp.getCentroid();
Assert.isTrue(false, "The centroid operation is not defined for this geometry object");
return null;