Package org.geotools.filter.function

Examples of org.geotools.filter.function.RenderingTransformation

                isRasterData = true;

                // get the desired grid geometry
                GridGeometry2D readGG = gridGeometry;
                if(transformation instanceof RenderingTransformation) {
                    RenderingTransformation tx = (RenderingTransformation) transformation;
                    readGG = (GridGeometry2D) tx.invertGridGeometry(renderingQuery, gridGeometry);
                    // TODO: override the read params and force this grid geometry, or something
                    // similar to this (like passing it as a param to readCoverage
                FeatureCollection<?,?> sample = featureSource.getFeatures();
                Feature gridWrapper = DataUtilities.first( sample );
                if(FeatureUtilities.isWrappedCoverageReader(simpleSchema)) {
                    final Object params = PARAMS_PROPERTY_NAME.evaluate(gridWrapper);
                    final GridCoverage2DReader reader = (GridCoverage2DReader) GRID_PROPERTY_NAME.evaluate(gridWrapper);
                    // don't read more than the native resolution (in case we are oversampling)
                    if(CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(reader.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), gridGeometry.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) {
                         MathTransform g2w = reader.getOriginalGridToWorld(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
                         if(g2w instanceof AffineTransform2D && readGG.getGridToCRS2D() instanceof AffineTransform2D) {
                             AffineTransform2D atOriginal = (AffineTransform2D) g2w;
                             AffineTransform2D atMap = (AffineTransform2D) readGG.getGridToCRS2D();
                             if(XAffineTransform.getScale(atMap) < XAffineTransform.getScale(atOriginal)) {
                                 // we need to go trough some convoluted code to make sure the new grid geometry
                                 // has at least one pixel
                                 org.opengis.geometry.Envelope worldEnvelope = gridGeometry.getEnvelope();
                                 GeneralEnvelope transformed = org.geotools.referencing.CRS.transform(atOriginal.inverse(), worldEnvelope);
                                 int minx = (int) Math.floor(transformed.getMinimum(0));
                                 int miny = (int) Math.floor(transformed.getMinimum(1));
                                 int maxx = (int) Math.ceil(transformed.getMaximum(0));
                                 int maxy = (int) Math.ceil(transformed.getMaximum(1));
                                 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(minx, miny, (maxx - minx), (maxy - miny));
                                 GridEnvelope2D gridEnvelope = new GridEnvelope2D(rect);
                                 readGG = new GridGeometry2D(gridEnvelope, atOriginal, worldEnvelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
                    coverage = readCoverage(reader, params, readGG);
                } else {
                    coverage = (GridCoverage2D) GRID_PROPERTY_NAME.evaluate(gridWrapper);
                // readers will return null if there is no coverage in the area
                if(coverage != null) {
                    if(readGG != null) {
                        // Crop will fail if we try to crop outside of the coverage area
                        ReferencedEnvelope renderingEnvelope = new ReferencedEnvelope(readGG.getEnvelope());
                        CoordinateReferenceSystem coverageCRS = coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem2D();
                        if(!CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(renderingEnvelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), coverageCRS)) {
                            renderingEnvelope = renderingEnvelope.transform(coverageCRS, true);
                        if(coverage.getEnvelope2D().intersects(renderingEnvelope)) {
                            // the resulting coverage might be larger than the readGG envelope, shall we crop it?
                            final ParameterValueGroup param = CROP.getParameters();
                            coverage = (GridCoverage2D) PROCESSOR.doOperation(param);
                        } else {
                            coverage = null;
                        if(coverage != null) {
                            // we might also need to scale the coverage to the desired resolution
                            MathTransform2D coverageTx = readGG.getGridToCRS2D();
                            if(coverageTx instanceof AffineTransform) {
                                AffineTransform coverageAt = (AffineTransform) coverageTx;
                                AffineTransform renderingAt = (AffineTransform) gridGeometry.getGridToCRS2D();
                                // we adjust the scale only if we have many more pixels than required (30% or more)
                                final double ratioX = coverageAt.getScaleX() / renderingAt.getScaleX();
                                final double ratioY = coverageAt.getScaleY() / renderingAt.getScaleY();
                                if(ratioX < 0.7 && ratioY < 0.7) {
                                    // resolution is too different
                                    final ParameterValueGroup param = SCALE.getParameters();
                                    final Interpolation interpolation = (Interpolation) hints.get(JAI.KEY_INTERPOLATION);
                                    if(interpolation != null) {
                                    coverage = (GridCoverage2D) PROCESSOR.doOperation(param);
                    if(coverage != null) {
                        // apply the transformation
                        result = transformation.evaluate(coverage);
                    } else {
                        result = null;
        if(result == null && !isRasterData) {
            // it's a transformation starting from vector data, let's see if we can optimize the query
            FeatureCollection originalFeatures;
            Query optimizedQuery = null;
            if(transformation instanceof RenderingTransformation) {
                RenderingTransformation tx = (RenderingTransformation) transformation;
                optimizedQuery = tx.invertQuery(renderingQuery, gridGeometry);
            // if we could not find an optimized query no other choice but to just limit
            // ourselves to the bbox, we don't know if the transformation alters/adds attributes :-(
            if(optimizedQuery == null) {
                 Envelope bounds = (Envelope) renderingQuery.getFilter().accept(ExtractBoundsFilterVisitor.BOUNDS_VISITOR, null);
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Related Classes of org.geotools.filter.function.RenderingTransformation

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