List<SortBy> sort = new ArrayList<SortBy>();
if (query.getSortBy() != null) {
for (SortBy sortBy : query.getSortBy()) {
for (Expression expr : unrollProperty(sortBy.getPropertyName(), mapping)) {
if (expr != null) {
FilterAttributeExtractor extractor = new FilterAttributeExtractor();
expr.accept(extractor, null);
for (String att : extractor.getAttributeNameSet()) {
sort.add(new SortByImpl(, sortBy.getSortOrder()));
if (query instanceof JoiningQuery) {
FilterAttributeExtractor extractor = new FilterAttributeExtractor();
mapping.getFeatureIdExpression().accept(extractor, null);
if (!Expression.NIL.equals(mapping.getFeatureIdExpression())
&& !(mapping.getFeatureIdExpression() instanceof Literal)
&& extractor.getAttributeNameSet().isEmpty()) {
// GEOS-5618: getID() and functions in idExpression aren't supported with joining
String ns = mapping.namespaces.getPrefix(mapping.getTargetFeature().getName()
String separator = mapping.getTargetFeature().getName().getSeparator();
String typeName = mapping.getTargetFeature().getLocalName();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"idExpression '%s' for targetElement '%s%s%s' cannot be translated into SQL, "
+ "therefore is not supported with joining!"
+ "\nPlease make sure idExpression is mapped into existing database fields, "
+ "and only use functions that are supported by your database."
+ "\nIf this cannot be helped, you can turn off joining in file.",
mapping.getFeatureIdExpression(), ns, separator, typeName));
JoiningQuery jQuery = new JoiningQuery(newQuery);
jQuery.setDenormalised(((JoiningQuery) query).isDenormalised());
jQuery.setQueryJoins(((JoiningQuery) query).getQueryJoins());
jQuery.setSubset(((JoiningQuery) query).isSubset());
for (String att : extractor.getAttributeNameSet()) {
sort.add(new SortByImpl(, SortOrder.ASCENDING));