Geotools extension:
This operation can also be used for selecting a different "visible sample dimension". Some images may contain useful data in more than one sample dimension, but renderer the content using only 1 sample dimension at time. The {@code "VisibleSampleDimension"} parameter can beused for selecting this sample dimension. If omitted, then the new grid coverage will inherit its source's visible sample dimension.
Name: "SelectSampleDimension"
JAI operator: " {@linkplain BandSelectDescriptor BandSelect}"
Name | Class | Default value | Minimum value | Maximum value |
{@code "Source"} | {@link org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D} | N/A | N/A | N/A |
{@code "SampleDimensions"} | {@code int[]} | Same as source | N/A | N/A |
{@code "VisibleSampleDimension"} | {@link java.lang.Integer} | Same as source | 0 | N/A |