A driver adding the ability to work with a new coverage format or service.
Classes implementing this interface basically act as factory for creating connections to coverage sources like files, WCS services, WMS services, databases, etc...
This class also offers basic create / delete functionality (which can be useful for file based coverage formats).
Purpose of this class is to provide basic information about a certain coverage service/format as well as about the parameters needed in order to connect to a source which such a service/format is able to work against.
Notice that as part as the roll of a "factory" interface this class makes available an {@link #isAvailable()} method which should check if all theneeded dependencies which can be jars as well as native libs or configuration files.
@author Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions.
@author Jody Garnett
@since 2.5
@source $URL$