final GeneralEnvelope envelope,
final DefaultTransaction transaction,
final List<PropertiesCollector> propertiesCollectors) throws IOException {
// Retrieving the store and the destination schema
final GranuleStore store = (GranuleStore) mosaicReader.getGranules(coverageName, false);
if (store == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid granule store has been found for: " + coverageName);
final SimpleFeatureType indexSchema = store.getSchema();
final SimpleFeature feature = new ShapefileCompatibleFeature(DataUtilities.template(indexSchema));
final ListFeatureCollection collection = new ListFeatureCollection(indexSchema);
final String fileLocation = prepareLocation(configuration, fileBeingProcessed);
final String locationAttribute = configuration.getParameter(Prop.LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE);
// getting input granules
if (inputReader instanceof StructuredGridCoverage2DReader) {
// Case A: input reader is a StructuredGridCoverage2DReader. We can get granules from a source
// Getting granule source and its input granules
final GranuleSource source = ((StructuredGridCoverage2DReader) inputReader).getGranules(coverageName, true);
final SimpleFeatureCollection originCollection = source.getGranules(null);
final DefaultProgressListener listener = new DefaultProgressListener();
// Getting attributes structure to be filled
final Collection<Property> destProps = feature.getProperties();
final Set<Name> destAttributes = new HashSet<Name>();
for (Property prop: destProps) {
// Collecting granules
originCollection.accepts( new AbstractFeatureVisitor(){
public void visit( Feature feature ) {
if(feature instanceof SimpleFeature)
// get the feature
final SimpleFeature sourceFeature = (SimpleFeature) feature;
final SimpleFeature destFeature = DataUtilities.template(indexSchema);
Collection<Property> props = sourceFeature.getProperties();
Name propName = null;
Object propValue = null;
// Assigning value to dest feature for matching attributes
for (Property prop: props) {
propName = prop.getName();
propValue = prop.getValue();
// Matching attributes are set
if (destAttributes.contains(propName)) {
destFeature.setAttribute(propName, propValue);
// Set location
destFeature.setAttribute(locationAttribute, fileLocation);
// delegate remaining attributes set to properties collector
updateAttributesFromCollectors(destFeature, fileBeingProcessed, inputReader, propertiesCollectors);
// check if something bad occurred
throw new RuntimeException(listener.getExceptions().peek());
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature visitor has been canceled");
}, listener);
} else {
// Case B: old style reader, proceed with classic way, using properties collectors
GEOM_FACTORY.toGeometry(new ReferencedEnvelope((Envelope) envelope)));
feature.setAttribute(locationAttribute, fileLocation);
updateAttributesFromCollectors(feature, fileBeingProcessed, inputReader, propertiesCollectors);
// drop all the granules associated to the same
Filter filter = Utils.FF.equal(, Utils.FF.literal(fileLocation),
// Add the granules collection to the store