* If this condition is meets, then we verify if an "integer version" of the image
* is available as a source of the source coverage (i.e. the floating-point image
* is derived from the integer image, not the converse).
final ViewType processingView = CoverageUtilities.preferredViewForOperation(
sourceCoverage, interpolation, false, hints);
final ViewType finalView = CoverageUtilities.preferredViewAfterOperation(sourceCoverage);
sourceCoverage = sourceCoverage.view(processingView);
PlanarImage sourceImage = PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(sourceCoverage.getRenderedImage());
assert sourceCoverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() == sourceCRS : sourceCoverage;
// From this point, consider 'sourceCoverage' as final.