LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "About to compute PostDiff changes. Last central revision known to client " + clientCentralRevision + ", last GetDiff central revision " + getDiffCentralRevision);
if (getDiffCentralRevision == null || clientCentralRevision >= getDiffCentralRevision) {
// either first time or we don't need to make jumps
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "First PostDiff or clientRevion same as the last central one, computing diff from " + fromRevision + " to LAST");
FeatureDiffReader fdr = fs.getDifferences(fromRevision, "LAST", null, null);
centralChanges = new VersioningTransactionConverter().convert(fdr,
} else {
// we need to jump over the last local changes
String before = String.valueOf(getDiffCentralRevision - 1);
String after = String.valueOf(getDiffCentralRevision);
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client revision lower than the server one, computing diff from " + fromRevision + " to " + before + " and merging with diffs from " + after + " to LAST");
FeatureDiffReader fdr1 = fs.getDifferences(fromRevision, before, null, null);
FeatureDiffReader fdr2 = fs.getDifferences(after, "LAST", null, null);
FeatureDiffReader[] fdr = new FeatureDiffReader[] { fdr1, fdr2 };
centralChanges = new VersioningTransactionConverter().convert(fdr,
// what is the latest change on this layer? (worst case it's the last GetDiff
// from this Unit)