Package org.geoserver.wfs.request

Examples of org.geoserver.wfs.request.Query$WFS11


            //JD: wfs reprojection: should not set srs form metadata but from
            // the request
            //srs = Integer.parseInt(meta.getSRS());
            Query query = request.getQueries().get(i);
            try {
                String srsName = query.getSrsName() != null ? query.getSrsName().toString() : null;
                if ( srsName == null ) {
                    //no SRS in query...asking for the default?
                    srsName = meta.getSRS();
                if ( srsName != null ) {
                    CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode(srsName);
                    String epsgCode = GML2EncodingUtils.epsgCode(crs);
                    srs = Integer.parseInt(epsgCode);
            catch( Exception e ) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem encoding:" + query.getSrsName(), e);
            //track num decimals, in cases where the query has multiple types we choose the max
            // of all the values (same deal as above, might not be a vector due to GetFeatureInfo reusing this)
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        // round up the info objects for each feature collection
        HashMap<String, Set<ResourceInfo>> ns2metas = new HashMap<String, Set<ResourceInfo>>();
        for (int fcIndex = 0; fcIndex < featureCollections.size(); fcIndex++) {
            if(request != null) {
                List<Query> queries = request.getQueries();
                Query queryType = queries.get(fcIndex);
                // may have multiple type names in each query, so add them all
                for (QName name : queryType.getTypeNames()) {
                    // get a feature type name from the query
                    Name featureTypeName = new NameImpl(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart());
                    ResourceInfo meta = catalog.getResourceByName(featureTypeName, ResourceInfo.class);
                    if (meta == null) {
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        List results = new ArrayList();
        List<CountExecutor> totalCountExecutors = new ArrayList<CountExecutor>();
        try {
            for (int i = 0; (i < queries.size()) && (count < maxFeatures); i++) {

                Query query = queries.get(i);
                try {
                //alias sanity check
                if (!query.getAliases().isEmpty()) {
                    if (query.getAliases().size() != query.getTypeNames().size()) {
                        throw new WFSException(request, String.format("Query specifies %d type names and %d " +
                            "aliases, must be equal", query.getTypeNames().size(), query.getAliases().size()));

                List<FeatureTypeInfo> metas = new ArrayList();
                for (QName typeName : query.getTypeNames()) {
                    metas.add(featureTypeInfo(typeName, request));

                //first is the primary feature type
                FeatureTypeInfo meta = metas.get(0);

                // parse the requested property names and distribute among requested types
                List<List<String>> reqPropertyNames = parsePropertyNames(query, metas);

                NamespaceSupport ns = getNamespaceSupport();
                List<List<PropertyName>> propNames = new ArrayList();
                List<List<PropertyName>> allPropNames = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 0; j < metas.size(); j++) {
                    List<String> propertyNames = reqPropertyNames.get(j);
                    List<PropertyName> metaPropNames = null;
                    List<PropertyName> metaAllPropNames = null;
                    if (!propertyNames.isEmpty()){
                         metaPropNames = new ArrayList<PropertyName>();
                        for (Iterator iter = propertyNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                            PropertyName propName = createPropertyName((String), ns);
                            if ( propName.evaluate(meta.getFeatureType()) == null) {
                                String mesg = "Requested property: " + propName + " is " + "not available "
                                    + "for " + meta.getPrefixedName() + ".  ";
                                if (meta.getFeatureType() instanceof SimpleFeatureType) {
                                    List<AttributeTypeInfo> atts = meta.attributes();
                                    List attNames = new ArrayList( atts.size() );
                                    for ( AttributeTypeInfo att : atts ) {
                                        attNames.add( att.getName() );
                                    mesg += "The possible propertyName values are: " + attNames;
                                throw new WFSException(request, mesg, "InvalidParameterValue");
                        // if we need to force feature bounds computation, we have to load
                        // all of the geometries, but we'll have to remove them in the
                        // returned feature type
                        if(wfs.isFeatureBounding()) {
                            metaAllPropNames = addGeometryProperties(meta, metaPropNames);
                        } else {
                            metaAllPropNames = metaPropNames;
                        //we must also include any properties that are mandatory ( even if not requested ),
                        // ie. those with minOccurs > 0
                        //only do this for simple features, complex mandatory features are handled by app-schema
                        if (meta.getFeatureType() instanceof SimpleFeatureType) {
                            metaAllPropNames =
                                DataUtilities.addMandatoryProperties((SimpleFeatureType) meta.getFeatureType(), metaAllPropNames);
                            metaPropNames =
                                DataUtilities.addMandatoryProperties((SimpleFeatureType) meta.getFeatureType(), metaPropNames);
                        //for complex features, mandatory properties need to be handled by datastore.

                //set up joins (if specified)
                List<Join> joins = null;
                String primaryAlias = null;
                QName primaryTypeName = query.getTypeNames().get(0);
                    FeatureTypeInfo primaryMeta = metas.get(0);
                //make sure filters are sane
                // Validation of filters on non-simple feature types is not yet supported.
                // FIXME: Support validation of filters on non-simple feature types:
                // need to consider xpath properties and how to configure namespace prefixes in
                // GeoTools app-schema FeaturePropertyAccessorFactory.
                Filter filter = query.getFilter();
                if (filter == null && metas.size() > 1) {
                    throw new WFSException(request, "Join query must specify a filter");

                if (filter != null) {
                    if (meta.getFeatureType() instanceof SimpleFeatureType) {               
                        if (metas.size() > 1) {
                            //ensure that the filter is allowable
                            if (!isValidJoinFilter(filter)) {
                                throw new WFSException(request,
                                        "Unable to preform join with specified filter: " + filter);
                                // join, need to separate the joining filter from other filters
                            JoinExtractingVisitor extractor =
                                    new JoinExtractingVisitor(metas, query.getAliases());
                            filter.accept(extractor, null);

                            primaryAlias = extractor.getPrimaryAlias();
                            primaryMeta = extractor.getPrimaryFeatureType();
                            primaryTypeName = new QName(primaryMeta.getNamespace().getURI(),
                            joins = extractor.getJoins();
                            if (joins.size() != metas.size()-1) {
                                throw new WFSException(request, String.format("Query specified %d types but %d " +
                                        "join filters were found", metas.size(), extractor.getJoins().size()));

                            //validate the filter for each join
                            for (int j = 1; j < metas.size(); j++) {
                                Join join = joins.get(j-1);
                                if (join.getFilter() != null) {
                                    validateFilter(join.getFilter(), query, metas.get(j), request);

                            filter = extractor.getPrimaryFilter();
                            if (filter != null) {
                                validateFilter(filter, query, meta, request);
                        else {
                            validateFilter(filter, query, meta, request);
                    } else {
                        BBOXNamespaceSettingVisitor filterVisitor = new BBOXNamespaceSettingVisitor(ns);
                        filter.accept(filterVisitor, null);
                // validate sortby if present
                List<SortBy> sortBy = query.getSortBy();
                if (sortBy != null && !sortBy.isEmpty()
                        && meta.getFeatureType() instanceof SimpleFeatureType) {
                    validateSortBy(sortBy, meta, request);

                // load primary feature source
                Hints hints = null;
                if (joins != null) {
                    hints = new Hints(ResourcePool.JOINS, joins);
                FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> source =
                    primaryMeta.getFeatureSource(null, hints);

                // handle local maximum
                int queryMaxFeatures = maxFeatures - count;
                int metaMaxFeatures = maxFeatures(metas);
                if (metaMaxFeatures > 0 && metaMaxFeatures < queryMaxFeatures) {
                    queryMaxFeatures = metaMaxFeatures;
                Map<String, String> viewParam = viewParams != null ? viewParams.get(i) : null;
       gtQuery = toDataQuery(query, filter, offset,
                        queryMaxFeatures, source, request, allPropNames.get(0), viewParam,
                            joins, primaryTypeName, primaryAlias);

                LOGGER.fine("Query is " + query + "\n To gt2: " + gtQuery);

                FeatureCollection<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> features = getFeatures(request, source, gtQuery);

                // For complex features, we need the targetCrs and version in scenario where we have
                // a top level feature that does not contain a geometry(therefore no crs) and has a
                // nested feature that contains geometry as its property.Furthermore it is possible
                // for each nested feature to have different crs hence we need to reproject on each
                // feature accordingly.
                if (!(meta.getFeatureType() instanceof SimpleFeatureType)) {
                    features.getSchema().getUserData().put("targetCrs", query.getSrsName());
                    features.getSchema().getUserData().put("targetVersion", request.getVersion());

                //feature collection size, we may need to calculate it
                boolean calculateSize = true;

                // optimization: WFS 1.0 does not require count unless we have multiple query elements
                // and we are asked to perform a global limit on the results returned
                calculateSize = !(("1.0".equals(request.getVersion()) || "1.0.0".equals(request.getVersion())) &&
                    (queries.size() == 1 || maxFeatures == Integer.MAX_VALUE));
                if (!calculateSize) {
                    //if offset was specified and we have more queries left in this request then we
                    // must calculate size in order to adjust the offset
                    calculateSize = offset > 0 && i < queries.size() - 1;

                int size = 0;
                if (calculateSize) {
                    size = features.size();
                //update the count
                count += size;
                //if offset is present we need to check the size of this returned feature collection
                // and adjust the offset for the next feature collection accordingly
                if (offset > 0) {
                    if (size > 0) {
                        //features returned, offset can be set to zero
                        offset = 0;
                    else {
                        //no features might have been because of the offset that was specified, check
                        // the size of the same query but with no offset
                   q2 = toDataQuery(query, filter, 0,
                                    queryMaxFeatures, source, request, allPropNames.get(0),
                                    viewParam, joins, primaryTypeName, primaryAlias);
                        //int size2 = getFeatures(request, source, q2).size();
                        int size2 = source.getCount(q2);
                        if (size2 > 0) {
                            //adjust the offset for the next query
                            offset = Math.max(0, offset - size2);

                // collect queries required to return numberMatched/totalSize
                // check maxFeatures and offset, if they are unset we can use the size we
                // calculated above
                isNumberMatchedSkipped = meta.getSkipNumberMatched();
                if (!isNumberMatchedSkipped) {
                    if (calculateSize && queryMaxFeatures == Integer.MAX_VALUE && offset == 0) {
                        totalCountExecutors.add(new CountExecutor(size));
                    } else {
               qTotal = toDataQuery(query, filter, 0,
                                Integer.MAX_VALUE, source, request, allPropNames.get(0), viewParam,
                                joins, primaryTypeName, primaryAlias);
                        totalCountExecutors.add(new CountExecutor(source, qTotal));

                // we may need to shave off geometries we did load only to make bounds
                // computation happy
                // TODO: support non-SimpleFeature geometry shaving
                List<PropertyName> metaPropNames = propNames.get(0);
                if(features.getSchema() instanceof SimpleFeatureType && metaPropNames!=null && metaPropNames.size() < allPropNames.get(0).size()) {
                    String[] residualNames = new String[metaPropNames.size()];
                    Iterator<PropertyName> it = metaPropNames.iterator();
                    int j =0;
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        residualNames[j] =;
                    SimpleFeatureType targetType = DataUtilities.createSubType((SimpleFeatureType) features.getSchema(), residualNames);
                    features = new FeatureBoundsFeatureCollection((SimpleFeatureCollection) features, targetType);

                //JD: TODO reoptimize
                //                if ( i == request.getQuery().size() - 1 ) {
                //                  //DJB: dont calculate feature count if you dont have to. The MaxFeatureReader will take care of the last iteration
                //                  maxFeatures -= features.getCount();
                //                }

                //GR: I don't know if the featuresults should be added here for later
                //encoding if it was a lock request. may be after ensuring the lock
                catch(WFSException e) {
                    //intercept and set locator to query handle if one was set, or if it simply set
                    // to GetFeature, which is the default
                    if (query.getHandle() != null &&
                        (e.getLocator() == null || "GetFeature".equalsIgnoreCase(e.getLocator()))) {
                    throw e;
            // total count represents the total count of the features matched for this query in cases
            // where the client has limited the result set size, as an optimization we only calculate
            // this if the following conditions hold
            // 1. the request is wfs 2.0
            // 2. maxFeatures != Integer.MAX_VALUE
            //TODO: we could actually add a third a optimization that when the count of features is
            // less than maxFeatures we don't have to calculate it since it is the same as count, but
            // this requires that we do that check post query loop which requires a bit of code
            // refactoring

            // we need the total count only for WFS 2.0
            if (!request.getVersion().startsWith("2")) {
                totalCount = -1;
            } else {
                if (isNumberMatchedSkipped) {
                    totalCount = -1;
                    totalOffset = 0;
                } else {
                    // optimization: if count < max features then total count == count
                    if(count < maxFeatures) {
                        totalCount = count;
                    } else {
                        // ok, in this case we're forced to run the queries to discover the actual total count
                        for (CountExecutor q : totalCountExecutors) {
                            int result = q.getCount();
                            // if the count is unknown for one, we don't know the total, period
                            if(result == -1) {
                                totalCount = -1;
                            } else {
                                totalCount += result;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new WFSException(request, "Error occurred getting features", e, request.getHandle());
        } catch (SchemaException e) {
            throw new WFSException(request, "Error occurred getting features", e, request.getHandle());

        String lockId = null;
        if (request.isLockRequest()) {
            LockFeatureRequest lockRequest = request.createLockRequest();
            for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
                Query query = queries.get(i);

                Lock lock = lockRequest.createLock();

                //TODO: joins?
                List<QName> typeNames = query.getTypeNames();

            LockFeature lockFeature = new LockFeature(wfs, catalog);
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        // ALIASES
        // SRSNAME
        // FILTER
        // SORTBY
        List<Query> queries = request.getQueries();
        Query q = queries.get(0);
        if (q.getSrsName() != null) {
            kvp.put("SRSNAME", q.getSrsName().toString());

        StringBuilder typeNames = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder propertyName = !q.getPropertyNames().isEmpty() ? new StringBuilder() : null;
        StringBuilder aliases = !q.getAliases().isEmpty() ? new StringBuilder() : null;
        StringBuilder filter = q.getFilter() != null && q.getFilter() != Filter.INCLUDE ?
            new StringBuilder() : null;
        encodeQueryAsKvp(q, typeNames, propertyName, aliases, filter, true);
        if (queries.size() > 1) {
            for (int i = 1; i < queries.size(); i++) {
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        //3. ensure that any bounds specified as part of the query
        // are valid with respect to the srs defined on the query
        if ( wfs.isCiteCompliant() ) {
            if ( query.getSrsName() != null ) {
                final Query fquery = query;
                fvisitor = new AbstractFilterVisitor() {
                    public Object visit(BBOX filter, Object data) {
                        if ( filter.getSRS() != null &&
                                !fquery.getSrsName().toString().equals( filter.getSRS() ) ) {
                            //back project bounding box into geographic coordinates
                            CoordinateReferenceSystem geo = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84;
                            GeneralEnvelope e = new GeneralEnvelope(
                                new double[] { filter.getMinX(), filter.getMinY()},
                                new double[] { filter.getMaxX(), filter.getMaxY()}
                            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null;
                            try {
                                crs = CRS.decode( filter.getSRS() );
                                e = CRS.transform(e, geo);
                            catch( Exception ex ) {
                                throw new WFSException( request, ex );
                            //ensure within bounds defined by srs specified on
                            // query
                            try {
                                crs = CRS.decode( fquery.getSrsName().toString() );
                            catch( Exception ex ) {
                                throw new WFSException( request, ex );
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            List<Query> queries = GetFeatureRequest.adapt(eObject).getQueries();
            List filters = new ArrayList();

            for (Iterator<Query> it = queries.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Query q =;
                List typeName = q.getTypeNames();
                Filter filter = null;

                if (typeName.size() > 1) {
                    //TODO: not sure what to do here, just going to and them up
                    List and = new ArrayList(typeName.size());
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Related Classes of org.geoserver.wfs.request.Query$WFS11

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