if ("ows.global".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
controller = new GlobalFlowController(queueSize);
} else if ("ows".equals(keys[0])) {
// todo: check, if possible, if the service, method and output format actually exist
if (keys.length >= 4) {
controller = new BasicOWSController(keys[1], keys[2], keys[3], queueSize);
} else if (keys.length == 3) {
controller = new BasicOWSController(keys[1], keys[2], queueSize);
} else if (keys.length == 2) {
controller = new BasicOWSController(keys[1], queueSize);
} else if ("user".equals(keys[0])) {
if (keys.length == 1) {
controller = new UserConcurrentFlowController(queueSize);
} else if ("ows".equals(keys[1])) {