Package org.gdal.ogr

Examples of org.gdal.ogr.FieldDefn

         * Create the outputfile.

        DataSource dataSource = null;
        Driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(outputFormat);
        FieldDefn field = null;
        Layer layer = null;

        if (driver == null) {

            System.err.println("Unable to find format driver named "
                    + outputFormat);

        dataSource = driver.CreateDataSource(outputFilename);

        if (dataSource == null) {

        if (threeDimension) {
            layer = dataSource.CreateLayer(newLayerName, srs,
        } else {
            layer = dataSource
                    .CreateLayer(newLayerName, srs, ogr.wkbLineString);

        if (layer == null) {

        field = new FieldDefn("ID", ogr.OFTInteger);

        layer.CreateField(field, 0);

        if (attributName != null) {

            field = new FieldDefn(attributName, ogr.OFTReal);

            layer.CreateField(field, 0);

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         if ( poDstDS.GetLayerCount() == 0 )
            FieldDefn oLocation = new FieldDefn( pszTileIndexField, ogr.OFTString );

            oLocation.SetWidth( 200 );

            if( nFirstSourceDataset < args.length-2 && args[nFirstSourceDataset].charAt(0) == '-' )

            SpatialReference poSrcSpatialRef = null;

            /* Fetches the SRS of the first layer and use it when creating the tileindex layer */
            if (nFirstSourceDataset < args.length)
               DataSource poDS = ogr.Open( args[nFirstSourceDataset],false );

               if (poDS!=null)
                  for(int iLayer = 0; iLayer < poDS.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ )
                     boolean bRequested = bLayersWildcarded;
                     Layer poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer);

                     for(int iArg = 0; iArg < args.length && !bRequested; iArg++ )
                        if( args[iArg].equalsIgnoreCase("-lnum")
                              && Integer.parseInt(args[iArg+1]) == iLayer )
                           bRequested = true;
                        else if( args[iArg].equalsIgnoreCase("-lname")
                              && args[iArg+1].equalsIgnoreCase(poLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName()) )
                           bRequested = true;

                     if( !bRequested )

                     if ( poLayer.GetSpatialRef() != null)
                        poSrcSpatialRef = poLayer.GetSpatialRef().Clone();


            poDstLayer = poDstDS.CreateLayer( "tileindex", poSrcSpatialRef );
            poDstLayer.CreateField( oLocation, ogr.OFTString );

            /* with the OGR Java bindings, avoid using the delete() methods,
             * except on the datasource objects, where it is necessary to close properly the
             * native file handles.
            // poSrcSpatialRef.delete();

      /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      /*      Identify target layer and field.                                */
      /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      int   iTileIndexField;

      poDstLayer = poDstDS.GetLayer(0);
      if( poDstLayer == null )
         System.err.print("Can't find any layer in output tileindex!\n" );

      iTileIndexField =
         poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldIndex( pszTileIndexField );
      if( iTileIndexField == -1 )
         System.err.print("Can't find "+pszTileIndexField+" field in tile index dataset.\n");

      FeatureDefn poFeatureDefn = null;

      /* Load in memory existing file names in SHP */
      int nExistingLayers = 0;
      String[] existingLayersTab = null;
      SpatialReference alreadyExistingSpatialRef = null;
      boolean alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = false;
      nExistingLayers = poDstLayer.GetFeatureCount();
      if (nExistingLayers > 0)
         existingLayersTab = new String[nExistingLayers];
         for(int i=0;i<nExistingLayers;i++)
            Feature feature = poDstLayer.GetNextFeature();
            existingLayersTab[i] = feature.GetFieldAsString( iTileIndexField);
            if (i == 0)
               DataSource       poDS;
               String filename = existingLayersTab[i];
               int j;
                  if (filename.charAt(j) == ',')
               if (j >= 0)
                  int iLayer = Integer.parseInt(filename.substring(j + 1));
                  filename = filename.substring(0, j);
                  poDS = ogr.Open(filename,false );
                  if (poDS!=null)
                     Layer poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer);
                     if (poLayer!=null)
                        alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = true;
                        alreadyExistingSpatialRef =
                           (poLayer.GetSpatialRef()!=null) ? poLayer.GetSpatialRef().Clone() : null;

                           if (poFeatureDefn == null) {
                              poFeatureDefn = CloneFeatureDefn(poLayer.GetLayerDefn()); // XXX: no Clone supported in java binding!!

      /* ignore check */
      //if (write_absolute_path)
      //   current_path = CPLGetCurrentDir();
      //   if (current_path == null)
      //   {
      //      fprintf( stderr, "This system does not support the CPLGetCurrentDir call. "
      //      "The option -write_absolute_path will have no effect\n");
      //      write_absolute_path = false;
      //   }
      /* ==================================================================== */
      /*      Process each input datasource in turn.                          */
      /* ==================================================================== */

      for(; nFirstSourceDataset < args.length; nFirstSourceDataset++ )
         DataSource       poDS;

         if( args[nFirstSourceDataset].charAt(0) == '-' )

         String fileNameToWrite;

         //VSIStatBuf sStatBuf;
         // FIXME: handle absolute path check
         //if (write_absolute_path && CPLIsFilenameRelative( args[nFirstSourceDataset] ) &&
         //      VSIStat( args[nFirstSourceDataset], &sStatBuf ) == 0)
         //   fileNameToWrite = CPLStrdup(CPLProjectRelativeFilename(current_path,args[nFirstSourceDataset]));
         //   fileNameToWrite = args[nFirstSourceDataset];
         fileNameToWrite = args[nFirstSourceDataset];

         poDS = ogr.Open( args[nFirstSourceDataset], false );

         if( poDS == null )
            System.err.print("Failed to open dataset "+args[nFirstSourceDataset]+", skipping.\n");

         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         /*      Check all layers, and see if they match requests.               */
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
         for(int iLayer = 0; iLayer < poDS.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ )
            boolean bRequested = bLayersWildcarded;
            Layer poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer);

            for(int iArg = 0; iArg < args.length && !bRequested; iArg++ )
               if( args[iArg].equalsIgnoreCase("-lnum")
                     && Integer.parseInt(args[iArg+1]) == iLayer )
                  bRequested = true;
               else if( args[iArg].equalsIgnoreCase("-lname")
                     && args[iArg+1].equalsIgnoreCase(poLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName()) )
                  bRequested = true;

            if( !bRequested )

            /* Checks that the layer is not already in tileindex */
            int i;
               String szLocation = fileNameToWrite+","+iLayer;
               if (szLocation.equalsIgnoreCase(existingLayersTab[i]))
                  System.err.println("Layer "+iLayer+" of "+args[nFirstSourceDataset]+" is already in tileindex. Skipping it.\n");
            if (i != nExistingLayers)

            SpatialReference spatialRef = poLayer.GetSpatialRef();
            if (alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid)
               if ((spatialRef != null && alreadyExistingSpatialRef != null &&
                     spatialRef.IsSame(alreadyExistingSpatialRef) == 0) ||
                     ((spatialRef != null) != (alreadyExistingSpatialRef != null)))
                  System.err.print("Warning : layer "+iLayer+" of "+args[nFirstSourceDataset]+" is not using the same projection system as "
                        + "other files in the tileindex. This may cause problems when "
                        + "using it in MapServer for example."+((skip_different_projection) ? " Skipping it" : "")+"\n");
                  if (skip_different_projection)
               alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = true;
               alreadyExistingSpatialRef = (spatialRef!=null) ? spatialRef.Clone() : null;

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*    Check if all layers in dataset have the same attributes  schema. */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if( poFeatureDefn == null )
               poFeatureDefn = CloneFeatureDefn(poLayer.GetLayerDefn()); // XXX: no Clone supported in java binding!!
            else if ( !accept_different_schemas )
               FeatureDefn poFeatureDefnCur = poLayer.GetLayerDefn();
               assert(null != poFeatureDefnCur);

               int fieldCount = poFeatureDefnCur.GetFieldCount();

               if( fieldCount != poFeatureDefn.GetFieldCount())
                  System.err.print("Number of attributes of layer "+poLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName()+" of "+args[nFirstSourceDataset]+" does not match ... skipping it.\n");

                  if (bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes)
                     System.err.print("Note : you can override this behaviour with -accept_different_schemas option\n"
                           + "but this may result in a tileindex incompatible with MapServer\n");
                     bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes = false;

               boolean bSkip = false;
               for( int fn = 0; fn < poFeatureDefnCur.GetFieldCount(); fn++ )
                  FieldDefn poField = poFeatureDefn.GetFieldDefn(fn);
                  FieldDefn poFieldCur = poFeatureDefnCur.GetFieldDefn(fn);

                  /* XXX - Should those pointers be checked against null? */
                  assert(null != poField);
                  assert(null != poFieldCur);

                  if( !poField.GetTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(poFieldCur.GetTypeName())
                        || poField.GetWidth() != poFieldCur.GetWidth()
                        || poField.GetPrecision() != poFieldCur.GetPrecision()
                        || !poField.GetNameRef().equalsIgnoreCase(poFieldCur.GetNameRef()) )
                     System.err.print("Schema of attributes of layer "+poLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName()+" of "+args[nFirstSourceDataset]+" does not match ... skipping it.\n");

                     if (bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes)
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            for( iField=0; iField < papszSelFields.size(); iField++)
                int iSrcField = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldIndex((String)papszSelFields.get(iField));
                if (iSrcField >= 0)
                    FieldDefn poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iSrcField);
                    FieldDefn oFieldDefn = new FieldDefn( poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef(),
                                                poSrcFieldDefn.GetFieldType() );
                    oFieldDefn.SetWidth( poSrcFieldDefn.GetWidth() );
                    oFieldDefn.SetPrecision( poSrcFieldDefn.GetPrecision() );

                    if (papszFieldTypesToString != null &&
                        (CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, "All") != -1 ||
                                    ogr.GetFieldTypeName(poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iSrcField).GetFieldType())) != -1))

                    /* The field may have been already created at layer creation */
                    int iDstField = -1;
                    if (poDstFDefn != null)
                        iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(oFieldDefn.GetNameRef());
                    if (iDstField >= 0)
                        panMap[iSrcField] = iDstField;
                    else if (poDstLayer.CreateField( oFieldDefn ) == 0)
                        /* now that we've created a field, GetLayerDefn() won't return NULL */
                        if (poDstFDefn == null)
                            poDstFDefn = poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn();

                        /* Sanity check : if it fails, the driver is buggy */
                        if (poDstFDefn != null &&
                            poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount() != nDstFieldCount + 1)
                                    "The output driver has claimed to have added the " + oFieldDefn.GetNameRef() + " field, but it did not!");
                            panMap[iSrcField] = nDstFieldCount;
                            nDstFieldCount ++;

                    System.err.println("Field '" + (String)papszSelFields.get(iField) + "' not found in source layer.");
                        if( !bSkipFailures )
                            return false;

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /* Use SetIgnoredFields() on source layer if available                  */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            /* Here we differ from the ogr2ogr.cpp implementation since the OGRFeatureQuery */
            /* isn't mapped to swig. So in that case just don't use SetIgnoredFields() */
            /* to avoid issue raised in #4015 */
            if (poSrcLayer.TestCapability(ogr.OLCIgnoreFields) && pszWHERE == null)
                int iSrcField;
                Vector papszIgnoredFields = new Vector();
                    String pszFieldName =
                    boolean bFieldRequested = false;
                    for( iField=0; iField < papszSelFields.size(); iField++)
                        if (pszFieldName.equalsIgnoreCase((String)papszSelFields.get(iField)))
                            bFieldRequested = true;

                    if (pszZField != null && pszFieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(pszZField))
                        bFieldRequested = true;

                    /* If source field not requested, add it to ignored files list */
                    if (!bFieldRequested)
        else if( !bAppend )
            int nDstFieldCount = 0;
            if (poDstFDefn != null)
                nDstFieldCount = poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount();
            for( iField = 0; iField < nSrcFieldCount; iField++ )
                FieldDefn poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                FieldDefn oFieldDefn = new FieldDefn( poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef(),
                                            poSrcFieldDefn.GetFieldType() );
                oFieldDefn.SetWidth( poSrcFieldDefn.GetWidth() );
                oFieldDefn.SetPrecision( poSrcFieldDefn.GetPrecision() );

                if (papszFieldTypesToString != null &&
                    (CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, "All") != -1 ||
                                ogr.GetFieldTypeName(poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField).GetFieldType())) != -1))

                /* The field may have been already created at layer creation */
                int iDstField = -1;
                if (poDstFDefn != null)
                    iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(oFieldDefn.GetNameRef());
                if (iDstField >= 0)
                    panMap[iField] = iDstField;
                else if (poDstLayer.CreateField( oFieldDefn ) == 0)
                    /* now that we've created a field, GetLayerDefn() won't return NULL */
                    if (poDstFDefn == null)
                        poDstFDefn = poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn();

                    /* Sanity check : if it fails, the driver is buggy */
                    if (poDstFDefn != null &&
                        poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount() != nDstFieldCount + 1)
                                "The output driver has claimed to have added the " + oFieldDefn.GetNameRef() + " field, but it did not!");
                        panMap[iField] = nDstFieldCount;
                        nDstFieldCount ++;
            /* For an existing layer, build the map by fetching the index in the destination */
            /* layer for each source field */
            if (poDstFDefn == null)
                System.err.println("poDstFDefn == NULL.\n" );
                return false;

            for( iField = 0; iField < nSrcFieldCount; iField++ )
                FieldDefn poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField);
                int iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef());
                if (iDstField >= 0)
                    panMap[iField] = iDstField;
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        return type == OFTRealList;
    public Object CreateStringField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTString);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTString);
    public Object CreateIntegerField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTInteger);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTInteger);
    public Object CreateRealField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTReal);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTReal);
    public Object CreateBinaryField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTBinary);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTBinary);
    public Object CreateDateField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTDate);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTDate);
    public Object CreateTimeField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTTime);
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        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTTime);
    public Object CreateDateTimeField(String name) {
        return new FieldDefn(name, OFTDateTime);
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Related Classes of org.gdal.ogr.FieldDefn

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