A delegate that can be used to intercept PortletInvocations and PortletInvocationReponses before they are processed either by the Consumer or Producer. While this is particularly useful to be able to add and process WSRP Extensions that are outside of the WSRP specification, delegates could certainly be used to do more. However, since they have access to raw data from the portal's internal, one must be very careful about what's being done to the invocations and responses as a wrong operation could possibly have disastrous results on the portal's behavior. It is therefore
extremely recommended (though not currently enforced) to treat the access to PortletInvocation and PortletInvocationResponse objects as
On the Consumer side, the consumer InvocationHandlerDelegate can intercept the incoming PortletInvocation from the consumer portal before it is processed by the WSRP stack, i.e. before a WSRP request is sent to the remote producer. On the flip side, the response from the producer can be processed right after the WSRP stack is done with it but before it is processed by the consumer portal.
On the Producer side, the producer InvocationHandlerDelegate can intercept the PortletInvocation that has been created as a translation of the incoming WSRP request before it is sent to the producer portal's portlet container. The response from the portlet container can then be processed before it is handled by the WSRP stack to be sent back to the Consumer.
Chris Laprun