JoinPoint p1actionjp,
JoinPoint p2renderjp,
final NavigationalStateConfigurator configurator)
seq.bindAction(0, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Content is not cached
// Create invalidating action url for later use
url = response.createActionURL().toString();
// Refresh
return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createRenderURL().toString());
seq.bindAction(1, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Should not be called
return null;
seq.bindAction(1, p2renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Invalidate with action
return new InvokeGetResponse(url);
seq.bindAction(2, p1actionjp, new PortletActionTestAction()
protected void run(Portlet portlet, ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
seq.bindAction(2, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Should be called
// Refresh with different URL
PortletURL url = configurator.createPortletURL(response);
return new InvokeGetResponse(url.toString());
seq.bindAction(3, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Should be called
// Invoke with same different URL
PortletURL url = configurator.createPortletURL(response);
return new InvokeGetResponse(url.toString());
seq.bindAction(4, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Should not be called
return null;
seq.bindAction(4, p2renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Invalidate with action
return new InvokeGetResponse(url);
seq.bindAction(5, p1actionjp, new PortletActionTestAction()
protected void run(Portlet portlet, ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
// Configure the navitional state
seq.bindAction(5, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
// Should be called
// Refresh with different navigational state to check it will be called in the next render phase
PortletURL url = response.createRenderURL();
return new InvokeGetResponse(url.toString());
seq.bindAction(6, p1renderjp, new PortletRenderTestAction()
protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
Set expected = Tools.toSet("0", "2_action", "2_render", "3", "5_action", "5_render");
assertEquals(expected, calls);