public void testCanConnect() throws Exception {
Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint();
Filter filter = new Filter();
Choice choice = new Choice();
When when = new When();
Otherwise otherwise = new Otherwise();
Bean bean = new Bean();
assertCanConnect(true, endpoint, choice);
assertCanConnect(true, choice, when);
assertCanConnect(true, choice, otherwise);
assertCanConnect(true, when, endpoint);
assertCanConnect(true, when, filter);
assertCanConnect(true, otherwise, endpoint);
assertCanConnect(true, otherwise, filter);
assertCanConnect(true, choice, endpoint);
assertCanConnect(true, choice, filter);
assertCanConnect(false, endpoint, when);
assertCanConnect(false, filter, when);
assertCanConnect(false, endpoint, otherwise);
assertCanConnect(false, filter, otherwise);
// now lets check we can't connect to something we've already connected in the other direction
assertCanConnect(true, endpoint, filter);
assertCanConnect(true, filter, endpoint);
assertCanConnect(false, endpoint, filter);
assertCanConnect(false, filter, endpoint);
// we should still be able to connect this filter to another output
assertCanConnect(true, filter, bean);
// already has one otherwise, so can't add another
assertCanConnect(false, choice, new Otherwise());