/* The outer block area. */
AreaNode node = firstNormalFlowArea.getChildAt(0);
assertTrue(node instanceof NormalBlockArea);
final NormalBlockArea outerBlockArea = (NormalBlockArea) node;
/* 1 inch left margin. */
assertEquals(72000, outerBlockArea.crOriginX());
/* 10 inches from bottom (11 inches high, 1 inch top margin). */
assertEquals(720000, outerBlockArea.crOriginY());
/* Page is 8 inches wide, with 2 inches total margin.
* 6 * 72,000 = 432,000. */
assertEquals(432000, outerBlockArea.crIpd());
/* The first child of the outer block area is a line-area. */
node = outerBlockArea.getChildAt(0);
assertTrue(node instanceof LineArea);
LineArea lineArea = (LineArea) node;
/* Should have anterior space of one half-leading, which comes from the
* space-before of this line. */
assertEquals(1200, lineArea.getAnteriorSpace());
/* Same as parent. */
assertEquals(72000, lineArea.crOriginX());
/* Same as parent, but adjusted for a half-leading space-before.
* Default leading is 20% of the font-size, which is 12 points.
* 50% * 20% * 12,000 = 1,200.
* 720,000 - 1,200 = 718,800. */
assertEquals(718800, lineArea.crOriginY());
/* Same as parent. */
assertEquals(432000, lineArea.crIpd());
/* Default font-size is 12 points. */
assertEquals(12000, lineArea.crBpd());
/* The second child of the outer block area is a block-area. */
node = outerBlockArea.getChildAt(1);
assertTrue(node instanceof NormalBlockArea);
final NormalBlockArea insideBlockArea = (NormalBlockArea) node;
/* Should have anterior space of one half-leading, which comes from the
* space-after of the previous line. */
assertEquals(1200, insideBlockArea.getAnteriorSpace());
/* Same as parent. */
assertEquals(72000, insideBlockArea.crOriginX());
/* Computed as that for the previous line, adjusted for one line,
* including another half-leading, the space-after for that line.
* 718,800 - 12,000 - 1,200 = 705,600. */
assertEquals(705600, insideBlockArea.crOriginY());
/* Same as parent. */
assertEquals(432000, insideBlockArea.crIpd());
/* Height of 0, as it has no content. */
assertEquals(0, insideBlockArea.crBpd());
/* The third child of the outer block area is another line-area. */
node = outerBlockArea.getChildAt(2);
assertTrue(node instanceof LineArea);
lineArea = (LineArea) node;