Package org.fontbox.ttf

Examples of org.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont

        fd.setFontFile2( fontStream );
        retval.setFontDescriptor( fd );
        //only support winansi encoding right now, should really
        //just use Identity-H with unicode mapping
        retval.setEncoding( new WinAnsiEncoding() );
        TrueTypeFont ttf = null;
            TTFParser parser = new TTFParser();
            ttf = parser.parseTTF( file );
            NamingTable naming = ttf.getNaming();
            List records = naming.getNameRecords();
            for( int i=0; i<records.size(); i++ )
                NameRecord nr = (NameRecord)records.get( i );
                if( nr.getNameId() == NameRecord.NAME_POSTSCRIPT_NAME )
                    retval.setBaseFont( nr.getString() );
                    fd.setFontName( nr.getString() );
                else if( nr.getNameId() == NameRecord.NAME_FONT_FAMILY_NAME )
                    fd.setFontFamily( nr.getString() );
            OS2WindowsMetricsTable os2 = ttf.getOS2Windows();
            fd.setNonSymbolic( true );
            switch( os2.getFamilyClass() )
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_SYMBOLIC:
                    fd.setSymbolic( true );
                    fd.setNonSymbolic( false );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_SCRIPTS:
                    fd.setScript( true );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_CLAREDON_SERIFS:
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_FREEFORM_SERIFS:
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_MODERN_SERIFS:
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_OLDSTYLE_SERIFS:
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.FAMILY_CLASS_SLAB_SERIFS:
                    fd.setSerif( true );
                    //do nothing
            switch( os2.getWidthClass() )
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_ULTRA_CONDENSED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "UltraCondensed" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_EXTRA_CONDENSED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "ExtraCondensed" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_CONDENSED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "Condensed" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_SEMI_CONDENSED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "SemiCondensed" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_MEDIUM:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "Normal" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_SEMI_EXPANDED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "SemiExpanded" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_EXPANDED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "Expanded" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_EXTRA_EXPANDED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "ExtraExpanded" );
                case OS2WindowsMetricsTable.WIDTH_CLASS_ULTRA_EXPANDED:
                    fd.setFontStretch( "UltraExpanded" );
                    //do nothing
            fd.setFontWeight( os2.getWeightClass() );
            //todo retval.setFixedPitch
            //todo retval.setNonSymbolic
            //todo retval.setItalic
            //todo retval.setAllCap
            //todo retval.setSmallCap
            //todo retval.setForceBold
            HeaderTable header = ttf.getHeader();
            PDRectangle rect = new PDRectangle();
            rect.setLowerLeftX( header.getXMin() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            rect.setLowerLeftY( header.getYMin() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            rect.setUpperRightX( header.getXMax() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            rect.setUpperRightY( header.getYMax() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            fd.setFontBoundingBox( rect );
            HorizontalHeaderTable hHeader = ttf.getHorizontalHeader();
            fd.setAscent( hHeader.getAscender() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            fd.setDescent( hHeader.getDescender() * 1000f/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            GlyphTable glyphTable = ttf.getGlyph();
            GlyphData[] glyphs = glyphTable.getGlyphs();
            PostScriptTable ps = ttf.getPostScript();
            fd.setFixedPitch( ps.getIsFixedPitch() > 0 );
            fd.setItalicAngle( ps.getItalicAngle() );
            String[] names = ps.getGlyphNames();
            if( names != null )
                for( int i=0; i<names.length; i++ )
                    //if we have a capital H then use that, otherwise use the
                    //tallest letter
                    if( names[i].equals( "H" ) )
                        fd.setCapHeight( (glyphs[i].getBoundingBox().getUpperRightY()* 1000f)/
                                         header.getUnitsPerEm() );
                    if( names[i].equals( "x" ) )
                        fd.setXHeight( (glyphs[i].getBoundingBox().getUpperRightY()* 1000f)/header.getUnitsPerEm() );
            //hmm there does not seem to be a clear definition for StemV,
            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            int[] glyphToCCode = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS &&
                    cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId() == CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE )
                    glyphToCCode = cmaps[i].getGlyphIdToCharacterCode();
            int firstChar = 0;
            for( int i=0; i<glyphToCCode.length; i++ )
                if( glyphToCCode[i] != 0 )
                    firstChar = Math.min( glyphToCCode[i], firstChar );
            int maxWidths=256;
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            List widths = new ArrayList( widthValues.length );
            Integer zero = new Integer( 250 );
            for( int i=0; i<widthValues.length && i<maxWidths; i++ )
                widths.add( zero );
            for( int i=0; i<widthValues.length; i++ )
                if(glyphToCCode[i]-firstChar < widths.size() &&
                   glyphToCCode[i]-firstChar >= 0 &&
                   widths.get( glyphToCCode[i]-firstChar) == zero )
                    widths.set( glyphToCCode[i]-firstChar,
                        new Integer( (int)(widthValues[i]* 1000f)/header.getUnitsPerEm() ) );
            retval.setWidths( widths );

            retval.setFirstChar( firstChar );
            retval.setLastChar( firstChar + widths.size()-1 );

            if( ttf != null )
        return retval;
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                    //throw new IOException( "Error:TTF Stream is null");           
                    // Embedded true type programs are optional,
                    // if there is no stream, we must use an external
                    // file.
                    TrueTypeFont ttf = getExternalFontFile2( fd );
                    if( ttf != null )
                        awtFont = Font.createFont( Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, ttf.getOriginalData() );
                        awtFont = Font.getFont( fontName, null );
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     * @throws IOException If the font is not found
    private TrueTypeFont getExternalFontFile2(PDFontDescriptorDictionary fd)
        throws IOException
        TrueTypeFont retval = null;
        if ( fd != null )
            String baseFont = getBaseFont();
            String fontResource = externalFonts.getProperty( UNKNOWN_FONT );
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Related Classes of org.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont

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