Package org.fao.geonet.kernel

Examples of org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager

    // the metadata ID
    String id;
    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context
    DataManager dm = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

    id = lookupByFileId(params,gc);
    if(id==null) {
        // does the request contain a UUID ?
        try {
          String uuid = Util.getParam(params, uuidParamName);
          // lookup ID by UUID
          id = dm.getMetadataId(uuid);
            catch (MissingParameterEx x) {
          // request does not contain UUID; use ID from request
          try {
            id = Util.getParam(params, idParamName);
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    //--- environment vars

    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);

    DataManager dataMan = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

    //--- check if the metadata has been modified from last time

    if (version != null && !dataMan.getVersion(id).equals(version))
      throw new ConcurrentUpdateEx(id);

        boolean imageExists = testValidImage(new File(getFileName(file, true)), false);
        imageExists |= testValidImage(new File(getFileName(file, false)), false);
        imageExists |= testValidImage(new File(context.getUploadDir(), file), false);

        if (!imageExists) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No image file uploaded");

    //--- create destination directory

    String dataDir = Lib.resource.getDir(context, Params.Access.PUBLIC, id);

    IO.mkdirs(new File(dataDir), "Metadata data directory");

    //--- create the small thumbnail, removing the old one

    if (createSmall)
      String smallFile = getFileName(file, true);
      String inFile    = context.getUploadDir() + file;
      String outFile   = dataDir + smallFile;

      removeOldThumbnail(context, id, "small", false);
      createThumbnail(inFile, outFile, smallScalingFactor, smallScalingDir);
      dataMan.setThumbnail(context, id, true, smallFile, false);

    //--- create the requested thumbnail, removing the old one

    removeOldThumbnail(context, id, type, false);

    if (scaling)
      String newFile = getFileName(file, type.equals("small"));
      String inFile  = context.getUploadDir() + file;
      String outFile = dataDir + newFile;

      createThumbnail(inFile, outFile, scalingFactor, scalingDir);

      if (!new File(inFile).delete())
        context.error("Error while deleting thumbnail : "+inFile);

      dataMan.setThumbnail(context, id, type.equals("small"), newFile, false);
      //--- move uploaded file to destination directory

      File inFile  = new File(context.getUploadDir(), file);
      File outFile = new File(dataDir,                file);

      if(outFile.exists() && !outFile.delete()) {
        throw new Exception("Unable to overwrite existing file: "+outFile);
      try {
        FileUtils.moveFile(inFile, outFile);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        IO.delete(inFile, false, context);
        throw new Exception(
            "Unable to move uploaded thumbnail to destination: " + outFile + ". Error: " + e.getMessage());

      dataMan.setThumbnail(context, id, type.equals("small"), file, false);

        dataMan.indexMetadata(id, false);

    Element response = new Element("a");
    response.addContent(new Element("id").setText(id));
    response.addContent(new Element("version").setText(dataMan.getNewVersion(id)));

    return response;
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  private void removeOldThumbnail(ServiceContext context, String id, String type, boolean indexAfterChange) throws Exception
    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);

    DataManager dataMan = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

    Element result = dataMan.getThumbnails(context, id);

    if (result == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata not found --> " + id);

    result = result.getChild(type);

    //--- if there is no thumbnail, we return

    if (result == null)

    //--- remove thumbnail

    dataMan.unsetThumbnail(context, id, type.equals("small"), indexAfterChange);

    //--- remove file

    String file = Lib.resource.getDir(context, Params.Access.PUBLIC, id) + getFileName(result.getText());
    if (!new File(file).delete())
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   * @throws Exception
  private static String getFeatureCatalogID(ServiceContext context, int metadataId) throws Exception {
    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context
    DataManager dm = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

        List<MetadataRelation> relations = context.getBean(MetadataRelationRepository.class).findAllById_MetadataId(metadataId);

    if (relations.isEmpty()) {
      return "";

    // Assume only one feature catalogue is available for a metadata record.
    int ftId =  relations.get(0).getId().getRelatedId();

        String ftUuid = dm.getMetadataUuid("" + ftId);

    return ftUuid != null ? ftUuid : "";
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    public Iterable<Pair<String, String>> getFormats(ServiceContext context, Metadata metadata) throws Exception {
        String schema = metadata.getDataInfo().getSchemaId();
        if (schema.contains("iso19139") && !schema.equals("iso19139")) {
            // ie. this is an ISO profil.
            GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);
            DataManager dm = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);
            MetadataSchema metadataSchema = dm.getSchema(schema);
            String path = metadataSchema.getSchemaDir() + "/convert/to19139.xsl";

            String data19139 = formatData(metadata, true, path);
            return Collections.singleton(, data19139));
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        Element info = params.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE);
        int iId;
        String id;
        String uuid;
        GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);
        DataManager dm = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

        if (info == null) {
            String mdId = Utils.getIdentifierFromParameters(params, context);
            if (mdId == null)
                throw new MetadataNotFoundEx("Metadata not found.");

            uuid = dm.getMetadataUuid(mdId);
            if (uuid == null)
                throw new MetadataNotFoundEx("Metadata not found.");

            id = mdId;
            iId = Integer.parseInt(mdId);
        } else {
            uuid = info.getChildText(Params.UUID);
            id = info.getChildText(Params.ID);
            iId = Integer.parseInt(info.getChildText(Params.ID));

        Element relatedRecords = new Element("relations");

        // Get the cached version (use by classic GUI)
        Element md = Show.getCached(context.getUserSession(), id);
        if (md == null) {
            // Get from DB
            md = dm.getMetadata(context, id, forEditing, withValidationErrors,

        String schemaIdentifier = dm.getMetadataSchema(id);
        SchemaPlugin instance = SchemaManager.getSchemaPlugin(context, schemaIdentifier);
        AssociatedResourcesSchemaPlugin schemaPlugin = null;
        if (instance instanceof AssociatedResourcesSchemaPlugin) {
            schemaPlugin = (AssociatedResourcesSchemaPlugin) instance;
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    if (System.currentTimeMillis() > _lastUpdateTime + _timeBetweenUpdates)
      GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);
      SearchManager searchMan = gc.getBean(SearchManager.class);
      DataManager   dataMan   = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);


      _response = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.RESPONSE);

      // perform the search and return the results read from the index, "Creating latest updates searcher");
      MetaSearcher searcher = searchMan.newSearcher(SearchManager.LUCENE, Geonet.File.SEARCH_LUCENE);, _request, _config);
      Map<Integer,Metadata> allMdInfo = ((LuceneSearcher)searcher).getAllMdInfo(context, _maxItems);
      for (Integer id : allMdInfo.keySet()) {
        try {
          boolean forEditing = false;
          boolean withValidationErrors = false;
          boolean keepXlinkAttributes = false;
          Element md = dataMan.getMetadata(context, id+"", forEditing, withValidationErrors, keepXlinkAttributes);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          Log.error(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Exception in latest update searcher "+e.getMessage());
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            log.debug("getRecordInfo (name): " + name);

    // get schema
    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);
    DataManager dm = gc.getBean(DataManager.class);

    // get uuid and date modified
    try {
      String schema = dm.autodetectSchema(record);
                log.debug("getRecordInfo (schema): " + schema);

      String identif  = dm.extractUUID(schema, record);
      if (identif.length() == 0) {
        log.warning("Record doesn't have a uuid : "+ name);
        return null; // skip this one
      String modified = dm.extractDateModified(schema, record);
      if (modified.length() == 0) modified = null;
                log.debug("getRecordInfo: adding "+identif+" with modification date "+modified);
      return new RecordInfo(identif, modified);
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    if (metadata == null) {
      throw new MetadataNotFoundEx("uuid=" + uuid);

        DataManager dm = context.getBean(DataManager.class);

    String id = ""+metadata.getId();
        boolean forEditing = false;
        boolean withEditorValidationErrors = false;
        Element data = dm.getMetadata(context, id, forEditing, withEditorValidationErrors, !removeXlinkAttribute);
        data.removeChild("info", Edit.NAMESPACE);

        return metadata;
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import java.util.*;

public class Importer {
  public static List<String> doImport(final Element params, final ServiceContext context,
                                        final File mefFile, final String stylePath) throws Exception {
    final DataManager dm = context.getBean(DataManager.class);

    // Load preferred schema and set to iso19139 by default
        String preferredSchema = context.getBean(ServiceConfig.class).getMandatoryValue("preferredSchema");
        if (preferredSchema == null) {
            preferredSchema = "iso19139";

        final List<String> metadataIdMap = new ArrayList<String>();
    final List<Element> md = new ArrayList<Element>();
    final List<Element> fc = new ArrayList<Element>();

    // Try to define MEF version from mef file not from parameter
    String fileType = Util.getParam(params, "file_type", "mef");
    if (fileType.equals("mef")) {
      MEFLib.Version version = MEFLib.getMEFVersion(mefFile);
      if (version != null && version.equals(MEFLib.Version.V2)) {
                fileType = "mef2";

    IVisitor visitor;

    if (fileType.equals("single"))
      visitor = new XmlVisitor();
    else if (fileType.equals("mef"))
      visitor = new MEFVisitor();
    else if (fileType.equals("mef2"))
      visitor = new MEF2Visitor();
      throw new BadArgumentException("Bad file type parameter.");

    // --- import metadata from MEF, Xml, ZIP files
        final String finalPreferredSchema = preferredSchema;
        MEFLib.visit(mefFile, visitor, new IMEFVisitor() {

      public void handleMetadata(Element metadata, int index)
          throws Exception {
                    Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Collecting metadata:\n" + Xml.getString(metadata));
        md.add(index, metadata);

      public void handleMetadataFiles(File[] Files, Element info, int index)
          throws Exception {
                String infoSchema = "_none_";
                if (info != null && info.getContentSize() != 0) {
                  Element general = info.getChild("general");
                  if (general != null && general.getContentSize() != 0) {
                    if (general.getChildText("schema") != null) {
                      infoSchema = general.getChildText("schema");

                String lastUnknownMetadataFolderName=null;
                    Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Multiple metadata files");

                  Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "info.xml says schema should be "+infoSchema);

        Element metadataValidForImport;

                Map<String,Pair<String,Element>> mdFiles = new HashMap<String,Pair<String,Element>>();
                for (File file : Files) {
                    if (file != null && !file.isDirectory()) {
                        Element metadata = Xml.loadFile(file);
                        try {
                            String metadataSchema = dm.autodetectSchema(metadata, null);
                            // If local node doesn't know metadata
                            // schema try to load next xml file.
                            if (metadataSchema == null) {

                            String currFile = "Found metadata file " + file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName() + File.separator + file.getParentFile().getName() + File.separator + file.getName();

                        } catch (NoSchemaMatchesException e) {
                            // Important folder name to identify metadata should be ../../
                            lastUnknownMetadataFolderName=file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName() + File.separator + file.getParentFile().getName() + File.separator;
                            Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "No schema match for "
                                + lastUnknownMetadataFolderName + file.getName()
                                + ".");

                if (mdFiles.size() == 0) {
                  throw new BadFormatEx("No valid metadata file found" + ((lastUnknownMetadataFolderName==null)?"":(" in " + lastUnknownMetadataFolderName)) + ".");

                // 1st: Select metadata with schema in info file
                Pair<String,Element> mdInform = mdFiles.get(infoSchema);
                if (mdInform != null) {
                  if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.MEF)) {
                      + " with info.xml schema (" + infoSchema + ").");
                  metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();
                  handleMetadata(metadataValidForImport, index);

                // 2nd: Select metadata with preferredSchema
                mdInform = mdFiles.get(finalPreferredSchema);
                if (mdInform != null) {
                  if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.MEF)) {
                      + " with preferred schema (" + finalPreferredSchema + ").");
                  metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();
                  handleMetadata(metadataValidForImport, index);

                // Lastly: Select the first metadata in the map
                String metadataSchema = (String)mdFiles.keySet().toArray()[0];
                mdInform = mdFiles.get(metadataSchema);
                if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.MEF)) {
                    + " with known schema (" + metadataSchema + ").");
                metadataValidForImport = mdInform.two();

                // Import valid metadata
                handleMetadata(metadataValidForImport, index);

      // --------------------------------------------------------------------

      public void handleFeatureCat(Element featureCat, int index)
          throws Exception {
        if (featureCat != null) {
                        Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Collecting feature catalog:\n" + Xml.getString(featureCat));
        fc.add(index, featureCat);

      // --------------------------------------------------------------------

       * Record is not a template by default. No category attached to
       * record by default. No stylesheet used by default. If no site
       * identifier provided, use current node id by default. No
       * validation by default.
       * If record is a template and not a MEF file always generate a new
       * UUID.
      public void handleInfo(Element info, int index) throws Exception {

        String FS = File.separator;

        String uuid = null;
        String createDate = null;
        String changeDate = null;
        String source;
        String sourceName = null;
        // Schema in info.xml is not used here anymore.
        // It is used in handleMetadataFiles as the first option to pick a
        // metadata file from those in a metadata dir in a MEF2
        // String schema = null;
        final MetadataType isTemplate;
        String rating = null;
        String popularity = null;
        String groupId = null;
        Element categs = null;
        final Element privileges;
        boolean validate = false;

        // Apply a stylesheet transformation if requested
        String style = Util.getParam(params, Params.STYLESHEET,

        if (!style.equals("_none_"))
          md.add(index, Xml.transform(md.get(index), stylePath
              + FS + style));
        final Element metadata = md.get(index);
        String schema = dm.autodetectSchema(metadata, null);

        if (schema == null)
          throw new Exception("Unknown schema");

        // Handle non MEF files insertion
        if (info.getChildren().size() == 0) {
                    source = Util.getParam(params, Params.SITE_ID, context.getBean(SettingManager.class).getSiteId());
          isTemplate = MetadataType.lookup(Util.getParam(params, Params.TEMPLATE, "n"));

          String category = Util
              .getParam(params, Params.CATEGORY, "");
          if (!category.equals("")) {
            categs = new Element("categories");
            categs.addContent((new Element("category"))
                .setAttribute("name", category));

          groupId = Util.getParam(params, Params.GROUP);
          privileges = new Element("group");
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "view"));
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "editing"));
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "download"));
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "notify"));
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "dynamic"));
          privileges.addContent(new Element("operation")
              .setAttribute("name", "featured"));

          if (isTemplate == MetadataType.METADATA) {
                        // Get the Metadata uuid if it's not a template.
                        uuid = dm.extractUUID(schema, md.get(index));
          } else if (isTemplate== MetadataType.SUB_TEMPLATE) {
              // Get subtemplate uuid if defined in @uuid at root
                        uuid = md.get(index).getAttributeValue("uuid");
          validate = Util.getParam(params, Params.VALIDATE, "off")

        } else {
                        Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Collecting info file:\n" + Xml.getString(info));
          categs = info.getChild("categories");
          privileges = info.getChild("privileges");

          Element general = info.getChild("general");

          uuid = general.getChildText("uuid");
          createDate = general.getChildText("createDate");
          changeDate = general.getChildText("changeDate");
          // If "assign" checkbox is set to true, we assign the metadata to the current catalog siteID/siteName
          boolean assign = Util.getParam(params, "assign", "off")
          if (assign) {
                            Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Assign to local catalog");
                        source = context.getBean(SettingManager.class).getSiteId();
          } else
            // --- If siteId is not set, set to current node
                        source = Util.getParam(general, Params.SITE_ID, context.getBean(SettingManager.class).getSiteId());
            sourceName = general.getChildText("siteName");

                            Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Assign to catalog: " + source);
          isTemplate = general.getChildText("isTemplate").equals("true") ? MetadataType.TEMPLATE : MetadataType.METADATA;
          rating = general.getChildText("rating");
          popularity = general.getChildText("popularity");

        if (validate) {
          // Validate xsd and schematron
          DataManager.validateMetadata(schema, metadata, context);

        String uuidAction = Util.getParam(params, Params.UUID_ACTION,

        importRecord(uuid, uuidAction, md, schema, index,
            source, sourceName, context, metadataIdMap, createDate,
            changeDate, groupId, isTemplate);

        if (fc.size() != 0 && fc.get(index) != null) {
          // UUID is set as @uuid in root element
          uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

          fc.add(index, dm.setUUID("iso19110", uuid, fc.get(index)));

                    // insert metadata
                    int userid = context.getUserSession().getUserIdAsInt();
                    String group = null, docType = null, title = null, category = null;
                    boolean ufo = false, indexImmediate = false;
                    String fcId = dm.insertMetadata(context, "iso19110", fc.get(index), uuid,
                            userid, group, source, isTemplate.codeString, docType, category, createDate, changeDate, ufo, indexImmediate);

                        Log.debug(Geonet.MEF, "Adding Feature catalog with uuid: " + uuid);

          // Create database relation between metadata and feature
          // catalog
          String mdId = metadataIdMap.get(index);

                    final MetadataRelationRepository relationRepository = context.getBean(MetadataRelationRepository.class);
                    final MetadataRelation relation = new MetadataRelation();
                    relation.setId(new MetadataRelationId(Integer.valueOf(mdId), Integer.valueOf(fcId)));


          // TODO : privileges not handled for feature catalog ...

        final int iMetadataId = Integer.valueOf(metadataIdMap.get(index));

                final String finalPopularity = popularity;
                final String finalRating = rating;
                final Element finalCategs = categs;
                final String finalGroupId = groupId;
                context.getBean(MetadataRepository.class).update(iMetadataId, new Updater<Metadata>() {
                    public void apply(@Nonnull final Metadata metadata) {
                        final MetadataDataInfo dataInfo = metadata.getDataInfo();
                        if (finalPopularity != null) {
                        if (finalRating != null) {

                        addCategoriesToMetadata(metadata, finalCategs, context);

                        if (finalGroupId == null) {
                            Group ownerGroup = addPrivileges(context, dm, iMetadataId, privileges);
                            if (ownerGroup != null) {
                        } else {
                            final OperationAllowedRepository allowedRepository = context.getBean(OperationAllowedRepository.class);
                            final Set<OperationAllowed> allowedSet = addOperations(context, dm, privileges, iMetadataId,


                String pubDir = Lib.resource.getDir(context, "public", metadataIdMap
                String priDir = Lib.resource.getDir(context, "private", metadataIdMap

                IO.mkdirs(new File(pubDir), "MEF Importer public resources directory for metadata "+metadataIdMap);
                IO.mkdirs(new File(priDir), "MEF Importer private resources directory for metadata "+metadataIdMap);

                dm.indexMetadata(metadataIdMap.get(index), false);

      // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void handlePublicFile(String file, String changeDate,
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Related Classes of org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager

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