resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
HttpSession session = req.getSession();
// Looking for credentials stored in the session
Credentials credentials = (Credentials)session.getAttribute(InitiateLoginServlet.CREDENTIALS);
if (credentials == null)
PortalContainer pContainer = PortalContainer.getInstance();
ServletContext context = pContainer.getPortalContext();
String token = getRememberMeTokenCookie(req);
if (token != null)
AbstractTokenService tokenService = AbstractTokenService.getInstance(CookieTokenService.class);
credentials = tokenService.validateToken(token, false);
if (credentials == null)
log.debug("Login initiated with no credentials in session but found token an invalid " + token + " " +
"that will be cleared in next response");
// We clear the cookie in the next response as it was not valid
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(InitiateLoginServlet.COOKIE_NAME, "");
// This allows the customer to define another login page without
// changing the portal
showLoginForm(req, resp);
// Send authentication request
log.debug("Login initiated with no credentials in session but found token " + token + " with existing credentials, " +
"performing authentication");
sendAuth(resp, credentials.getUsername(), token);
// This allows the customer to define another login page without
// changing the portal
log.debug("Login initiated with no credentials in session and no token cookie, redirecting to login page");
showLoginForm(req, resp);
// We create a temporary token just for the login time
TransientTokenService tokenService = AbstractTokenService.getInstance(TransientTokenService.class);
String token = tokenService.createToken(credentials);
// Send authentication request
log.debug("Login initiated with credentials in session, performing authentication");
sendAuth(resp, credentials.getUsername(), token);