The chromattic life cycle objets is a plugin that allow to bootstrap a chromattic builder and make it managed either locally or globally.
It is allowed to create subclasses of this class to override the methods {@link #onOpenSession(SessionContext)}or {@link #onCloseSession(SessionContext)} to perform additional treatment on the session context at a precisephase of its life cycle.
The life cycle domain uniquely identifies the chromattic domain among all domain registered against the {@link org.exoplatform.commons.chromattic.ChromatticManager} manager.
The plugin takes an instance of {@link org.exoplatform.container.xml.InitParams} as parameter that containsthe following entries:
string that is the life cycle domain nameworkspace-name
string that is the repository workspace name associated with this life cycleentities
list value that contains the list of chromattic entities that will be registered against the builder chromattic builder