if (_redefineSchema.getSchemaLocation() == "") {
String err = "In a <redefine>, only annotations can be defined when no -schemaLocation- is specified.";
AttributeGroupDecl group = null;
group = (AttributeGroupDecl)(((AttributeGroupUnmarshaller)_unmarshaller).getAttributeGroup());
String structureName = group.getName();
if (structureName == null) {
String err = "When redefining an AttributeGroup, the group must have a name.\n";
//1-- the attributeGroup must exist in the imported schema
AttributeGroup original = _importedSchema.getAttributeGroup(structureName);
if (original == null) {
String err = "When redefining an AttributeGroup, the AttributeGroup must be present in the imported XML schema.\n"
+"AttributeGroup: "+structureName+" is not defined in XML Schema:" + _importedSchema.getSchemaLocation();
//-- todo: add code to check the Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex) constraint.
//-- <complexType>
else if (name.equals(SchemaNames.COMPLEX_TYPE)) {
if (_redefineSchema.getSchemaLocation() == "") {
String err = "In a <redefine>, only annotations can be defined when no -schemaLocation- is specified.";
ComplexType complexType = null;
complexType = ((ComplexTypeUnmarshaller)_unmarshaller).getComplexType();
//-- Checks that the complexType exists in the imported schema
String structureName = complexType.getName();
if (structureName == null) {
String err = "When redefining a complexType, the complexType must have a name.\n";
//1-- the complexType must exist in the imported schema
ComplexType original = _importedSchema.getComplexType(structureName);
if (original == null) {
String err = "When redefining a complexType, the complexType must be present in the imported XML schema.\n"
+"ComplexType: "+structureName+" is not defined in XML Schema:" + _importedSchema.getSchemaLocation();
//2-- the base type must be itself
XMLType baseType = complexType.getBaseType();
//--just check the names since a top level complexType can only be defined once.
if (baseType == null || !baseType.getName().equals(structureName)) {
String err = "When redefining a complexType, the complexType must use itself as the base type definition.\n"
+"ComplexType: "+structureName+" uses:" + baseType+ " as its base type.";
getResolver().addResolvable(complexType.getReferenceId(), complexType);
//-- <simpleType>
else if (name.equals(SchemaNames.SIMPLE_TYPE)) {
if (_redefineSchema.getSchemaLocation() == "") {
String err = "In a <redefine>, only annotations can be defined when no -schemaLocation- is specified.";
SimpleType simpleType = null;
simpleType = ((SimpleTypeUnmarshaller)_unmarshaller).getSimpleType();
//-- Checks that the simpleType exists in the imported schema
String structureName = simpleType.getName();
if (structureName == null) {
String err = "When redefining a simpleType, the simpleType must have a name.\n";
//1-- the simpleType must exist in the imported schema
SimpleType original = _importedSchema.getSimpleType(structureName,_schema.getTargetNamespace() );
if (original == null) {
String err = "When redefining a simpleType, the simpleType must be present in the imported XML schema.\n"
+"SimpleType: "+structureName+" is not defined in XML Schema:" + _importedSchema.getSchemaLocation();
//2-- the base type must be itself
XMLType baseType = simpleType.getBaseType();
//--just check the names since a top level complexType can only be defined once.
if (!baseType.getName().equals(structureName)) {
String err = "When redefining a simpleType, the simpleType must use itself as the base type definition.\n"
+"SimpleType: "+structureName+" uses:" + baseType.getName() + " as its base type.";
getResolver().addResolvable(simpleType.getReferenceId(), simpleType);
else if (name.equals(SchemaNames.GROUP)) {
if (_redefineSchema.getSchemaLocation() == "") {
String err = "In a <redefine>, only annotations can be defined when no -schemaLocation- is specified.";
ModelGroup group = null;
group = (((ModelGroupUnmarshaller)_unmarshaller).getGroup());
String structureName = group.getName();
if (structureName == null) {
String err = "When redefining a group, the group must have a name.\n";
//1-- the group must exist in the imported schema
Group original = _importedSchema.getModelGroup(structureName);
if (original == null) {
String err = "When redefining a group, the group must be present in the imported XML schema.\n"
+"Group: "+structureName+" is not defined in XML Schema:" + _importedSchema.getSchemaLocation();
//-- code needs to be added to check the Particle Valid (Restriction) constraint
} else {
String err = "In a <redefine>, only complexTypes|simpleTypes|groups or attributeGroups can be redefined.";