Package org.exolab.castor.mapping

Examples of org.exolab.castor.mapping.GeneralizedFieldHandler


                //-- look for GeneralizedFieldHandler
                FieldHandlerFactory factory = getHandlerFactory(type);
                if (factory != null) {
                    GeneralizedFieldHandler gfh = factory.createFieldHandler(type);
                    if (gfh != null) {
                        handler = gfh;
                        customHandler = true;
                        //-- swap type with the type specified by the
                        //-- custom field handler
                        if (gfh.getFieldType() != null) {
                            type = gfh.getFieldType();

            catch (MappingException mx) {
                throw new MarshalException(mx);

            XMLFieldDescriptorImpl fieldDesc
                = createFieldDescriptor(type, methodSet.fieldName, xmlName);

            if (isCollection) {

            //-- check for instances of java.util.Date
            if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                //handler = new DateFieldHandler(handler);
                if (!customHandler) {

            //-- enable use parent namespace if explicit one doesn't exist

            //-- Wrap collections?
            if (isCollection && _wrapCollectionsInContainer) {
                String fieldName = COLLECTION_WRAPPER_PREFIX + methodSet.fieldName;
                //-- If we have a field 'c' that is a collection and
                //-- we want to wrap that field in an element <e>, we
                //-- need to create a field descriptor for
                //-- an object that represents the element <e> and
                //-- acts as a go-between from the parent of 'c'
                //-- denoted as P(c) and 'c' itself
                //   object model: P(c) -> c
                //   xml : <p><e><c></e><p>

                //-- Make new class descriptor for the field that
                //-- will represent the container element <e>
                Class cType = ContainerElement.class;
                XMLClassDescriptorImpl containerClassDesc = new XMLClassDescriptorImpl(cType);

                //-- add the field descriptor to our new class descriptor
                //-- nullify xmlName so that auto-naming will be enabled,
                //-- we can't do this in the constructor because
                //-- XMLFieldDescriptorImpl will create a default one.

                //-- wrap the field handler in a special container field
                //-- handler that will actually do the delegation work
                FieldHandler cHandler = new ContainerFieldHandler(handler);

                fieldDesc = createFieldDescriptor(cType, fieldName, xmlName);

                //-- enable use parent namespace if explicit one doesn't exist
            //-- add FieldDescriptor to ClassDescriptor

        } //-- end of method loop

        //-- If we didn't find any methods we can try
        //-- direct field access
        if (methodCount == 0) {

            Field[] fields = c.getFields();
            Hashtable descriptors = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                Field field = fields[i];

                Class owner = field.getDeclaringClass();

                //-- ignore fields from super-class, that will be
                //-- introspected separately, if necessary
                if (owner != c) {
                    //-- if declaring class is anything but
                    //-- an interface, than just continue,
                    //-- the field comes from a super class
                    //-- (e.g. java.lang.Object)
                    if (!owner.isInterface()) continue;

                    //-- owner is an interface, is it an
                    //-- interface this class implements
                    //-- or a parent class?
                    if (interfaces.length > 0) {
                        boolean found = false;
                        for (int count = 0; count < interfaces.length; count++) {
                            if (interfaces[count] == owner) {
                                found = true;
                        if (!found) continue;

                //-- make sure field is not transient or static final
                int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
                if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) continue;
                if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) &&

                Class type = field.getType();

                if (!isDescriptable(type)) continue;

                //-- Built-in support for JDK 1.1 Collections
                //-- we need to a pluggable interface for
                //-- JDK 1.2+
                boolean isCollection = isCollection(type);

                TypeInfo typeInfo = null;
                CollectionHandler colHandler = null;

                //-- If the type is a collection and there is no add method,
                //-- then we obtain a CollectionHandler
                if (isCollection) {

                    try {
                        colHandler = CollectionHandlers.getHandler(type);
                    catch(MappingException mx) {
                        //-- No CollectionHandler available, continue
                        //-- without one...

                    //-- Find component type
                    if (type.isArray()) {
                        //-- Byte arrays are handled as a special case
                        //-- so don't use CollectionHandler
                        if (type.getComponentType() == Byte.TYPE) {
                            colHandler = null;
                        else type = type.getComponentType();


                String fieldName = field.getName();
                String xmlName = _xmlNaming.toXMLName(fieldName);

                //-- Create FieldHandler first, before the XMLFieldDescriptor
                //-- in case we need to use a custom handler

                typeInfo = new TypeInfo(type, null, null, false, null, colHandler);

                FieldHandler handler = null;
                boolean customHandler = false;
                try {
                    handler = new FieldHandlerImpl(field, typeInfo);

                    //-- handle Hashtable/Map
                    if (isCollection && _saveMapKeys && isMapCollection(type)) {
                        ((FieldHandlerImpl)handler).setConvertFrom(new IdentityConvertor());

                    //-- look for GeneralizedFieldHandler
                    FieldHandlerFactory factory = getHandlerFactory(type);
                    if (factory != null) {
                        GeneralizedFieldHandler gfh = factory.createFieldHandler(type);
                        if (gfh != null) {
                            handler = gfh;
                            customHandler = true;
                            //-- swap type with the type specified by the
                            //-- custom field handler
                            if (gfh.getFieldType() != null) {
                                type = gfh.getFieldType();
                catch (MappingException mx) {
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                //-- look for GeneralizedFieldHandler
                FieldHandlerFactory factory = getHandlerFactory(type);
                if (factory != null) {
                    GeneralizedFieldHandler gfh = factory.createFieldHandler(type);
                    if (gfh != null) {
                        handler = gfh;
                        customHandler = true;
                        //-- swap type with the type specified by the
                        //-- custom field handler
                        if (gfh.getFieldType() != null) {
                            type = gfh.getFieldType();
            catch (MappingException mx) {
                throw new MarshalException(mx);
            XMLFieldDescriptorImpl fieldDesc
                = createFieldDescriptor(type, methodSet.fieldName, xmlName);
            if (isCollection) {
            //-- check for instances of java.util.Date
            if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                //handler = new DateFieldHandler(handler);
                if (!customHandler) {
            //-- Wrap collections?
            if (isCollection && _wrapCollectionsInContainer) {
                String fieldName = COLLECTION_WRAPPER_PREFIX + methodSet.fieldName;
                //-- If we have a field 'c' that is a collection and
                //-- we want to wrap that field in an element <e>, we
                //-- need to create a field descriptor for
                //-- an object that represents the element <e> and
                //-- acts as a go-between from the parent of 'c'
                //-- denoted as P(c) and 'c' itself
                //   object model: P(c) -> c
                //   xml : <p><e><c></e><p>
                //-- Make new class descriptor for the field that
                //-- will represent the container element <e>
                Class cType = ContainerElement.class;
                XMLClassDescriptorImpl containerClassDesc = new XMLClassDescriptorImpl(cType);
                //-- add the field descriptor to our new class descriptor
                //-- nullify xmlName so that auto-naming will be enabled,
                //-- we can't do this in the constructor because
                //-- XMLFieldDescriptorImpl will create a default one.
                //-- wrap the field handler in a special container field
                //-- handler that will actually do the delgation work
                FieldHandler cHandler = new ContainerFieldHandler(handler);
                fieldDesc = createFieldDescriptor(cType, fieldName, xmlName);
            //-- add FieldDescriptor to ClassDescriptor

        } //-- end of method loop
        //-- If we didn't find any methods we can try
        //-- direct field access
        if (methodCount == 0) {          
            Field[] fields = c.getFields();           
            Hashtable descriptors = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {               
                Field field = fields[i];
                Class owner = field.getDeclaringClass();
                //-- ignore fields from super-class, that will be
                //-- introspected separately, if necessary
                if (owner != c) {
                    //-- if declaring class is anything but
                    //-- an interface, than just continue,
                    //-- the field comes from a super class
                    //-- (e.g. java.lang.Object)
                    if (!owner.isInterface()) continue;
                    //-- owner is an interface, is it an
                    //-- interface this class implements
                    //-- or a parent class?
                    if (interfaces.length > 0) {
                        boolean found = false;
                        for (int count = 0; count < interfaces.length; count++) {
                            if (interfaces[count] == owner) {
                                found = true;
                        if (!found) continue;
                //-- make sure field is not transient or static final
                int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
                if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) continue;
                if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) &&
                Class type = field.getType();
                if (!isDescriptable(type)) continue;
                //-- Built-in support for JDK 1.1 Collections
                //-- we need to a pluggable interface for
                //-- JDK 1.2+
                boolean isCollection = isCollection(type);
                TypeInfo typeInfo = null;
                CollectionHandler colHandler = null;
                //-- If the type is a collection and there is no add method,
                //-- then we obtain a CollectionHandler
                if (isCollection) {
                    try {
                        colHandler = CollectionHandlers.getHandler(type);
                    catch(MappingException mx) {
                        //-- No CollectionHandler available, continue
                        //-- without one...
                    //-- Find component type
                    if (type.isArray()) {
                        //-- Byte arrays are handled as a special case
                        //-- so don't use CollectionHandler
                        if (type.getComponentType() == Byte.TYPE) {
                            colHandler = null;
                        else type = type.getComponentType();
                String fieldName = field.getName();
                String xmlName = _naming.toXMLName(fieldName);
                //-- Create FieldHandler first, before the XMLFieldDescriptor
                //-- in case we need to use a custom handler
                typeInfo = new TypeInfo(type, null, null, false, null, colHandler);
                FieldHandler handler = null;
                boolean customHandler = false;
                try {
                    handler = new FieldHandlerImpl(field, typeInfo);
                    //-- handle Hashtable/Map
                    if (isCollection && _saveMapKeys && isMapCollection(type)) {
                        ((FieldHandlerImpl)handler).setConvertFrom(new IdentityConvertor());
                    //-- look for GeneralizedFieldHandler
                    FieldHandlerFactory factory = getHandlerFactory(type);
                    if (factory != null) {
                        GeneralizedFieldHandler gfh = factory.createFieldHandler(type);
                        if (gfh != null) {
                            handler = gfh;
                            customHandler = true;
                            //-- swap type with the type specified by the
                            //-- custom field handler
                            if (gfh.getFieldType() != null) {
                                type = gfh.getFieldType();
                catch (MappingException mx) {
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