Package org.exist.versioning.svn.internal.wc.admin

Examples of org.exist.versioning.svn.internal.wc.admin.SVNWCAccess$TCEntryHandler

        if (isMove && !srcIsURL) {
            for (Iterator ps = pairs.iterator(); ps.hasNext();) {
                CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                SVNWCAccess wcAccess = getWCAccess();
                try {
                    File srcFile = new Resource(pair.mySource);
                    probeOpen(wcAccess, srcFile, false, 0);
                    SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(new Resource(pair.mySource), false);
                    if (entry.getExternalFilePath() != null) {
                        SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_CANNOT_MOVE_FILE_EXTERNAL,
                                "Cannot move the file external at ''{0}''; please propedit the svn:externals description that created it",
                        SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
                } finally {
        if (isMove) {
            if (srcIsURL == dstIsURL) {
                for (Iterator ps = pairs.iterator(); ps.hasNext();) {
                    CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                    boolean same;
                    Object p;
                    if (!srcIsURL) {
                        File srcPath = new Resource(pair.mySource);
                        File dstPath = new Resource(pair.myDst);
                        same = srcPath.equals(dstPath);
                        p = srcPath;
                    } else {
                        SVNURL srcURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(pair.mySource);
                        SVNURL dstURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(pair.myDst);
                        same = srcURL.getPath().equals(dstURL.getPath());
                        p = srcURL;
                    if (same) {
                        SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                                "Cannot move path ''{0}'' into itself", p);
                        SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            } else {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                        "Moves between the working copy and the repository are not supported");
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
        } else {
            if (!srcIsURL) {
                boolean needReposRevision = false;
                boolean needReposPegRevision = false;
                for (Iterator ps = pairs.iterator(); ps.hasNext();) {
                    CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                    if (pair.mySourceRevision != SVNRevision.UNDEFINED &&
                            pair.mySourceRevision != SVNRevision.WORKING) {
                        needReposRevision = true;
                    if (pair.mySourcePegRevision != SVNRevision.UNDEFINED &&
                            pair.mySourcePegRevision != SVNRevision.WORKING) {
                        needReposPegRevision = true;
                    if (needReposRevision || needReposPegRevision) {

                if (needReposRevision || needReposPegRevision) {
                    for (Iterator ps = pairs.iterator(); ps.hasNext();) {
                        CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = getWCAccess();
                        try {
                            probeOpen(wcAccess, new Resource(pair.mySource), false, 0);
                            SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getEntry(new Resource(pair.mySource), false);
                            SVNURL url = entry.isCopied() ? entry.getCopyFromSVNURL() : entry.getSVNURL();
                            if (url == null) {
                                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_MISSING_URL,
                                        "''{0}'' does not have a URL associated with it", new File(pair.mySource));
                                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
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        String topSrc = ((CopyPair) copyPairs.get(0)).mySource;
        for (int i = 1; i < copyPairs.size(); i++) {
            CopyPair pair = (CopyPair) copyPairs.get(i);
            topSrc = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(topSrc, pair.mySource);
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        SVNCommitInfo info = null;
        ISVNEditor commitEditor = null;
        Collection tmpFiles = null;
        try {
            SVNAdminArea adminArea = wcAccess.probeOpen(new Resource(topSrc), false, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);

            String topDstURL = ((CopyPair) copyPairs.get(0)).myDst;
            topDstURL = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(topDstURL);
            for (int i = 1; i < copyPairs.size(); i++) {
                CopyPair pair = (CopyPair) copyPairs.get(i);
                topDstURL = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(topDstURL, pair.myDst);

            // should we use also wcAccess here? i do not think so.
            SVNRepository repos = createRepository(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(topDstURL), adminArea.getRoot(),
                    wcAccess, true);
            List newDirs = new ArrayList();
            if (makeParents) {
                String rootURL = topDstURL;
                SVNNodeKind kind = repos.checkPath("", -1);
                while(kind == SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
                    rootURL = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(rootURL);
                    repos.setLocation(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(rootURL), false);
                    kind = repos.checkPath("", -1);
                topDstURL = rootURL;

            for (int i = 0; i < copyPairs.size(); i++) {
                CopyPair pair = (CopyPair) copyPairs.get(i);
                SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getEntry(new Resource(pair.mySource), false);
                pair.mySourceRevisionNumber = entry.getRevision();
                String dstRelativePath = SVNPathUtil.getPathAsChild(topDstURL, pair.myDst);
                dstRelativePath = SVNEncodingUtil.uriDecode(dstRelativePath);
                SVNNodeKind kind = repos.checkPath(dstRelativePath, -1);
                if (kind != SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.FS_ALREADY_EXISTS,
                            "Path ''{0}'' already exists", SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(pair.myDst));
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            // create commit items list to fetch log messages.
            List commitItems = new ArrayList(copyPairs.size());
            if (makeParents) {
                for (int i = 0; i < newDirs.size(); i++) {
                    String newDirURL = (String) newDirs.get(i);
                    SVNURL url = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(newDirURL);
                    SVNCommitItem item = new SVNCommitItem(null, url, null, SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, null, true, false, false, false, false, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < copyPairs.size(); i++) {
                CopyPair pair = (CopyPair) copyPairs.get(i);
                SVNURL url = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(pair.myDst);
                SVNCommitItem item = new SVNCommitItem(null, url, null, SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, null, true, false, false,
                        false, false, false);
            SVNCommitItem[] commitables = (SVNCommitItem[]) commitItems.toArray(new SVNCommitItem[commitItems.size()]);
            message = commitHandler.getCommitMessage(message, commitables);
            if (message == null) {
                return SVNCommitInfo.NULL;
            revprops = commitHandler.getRevisionProperties(message, commitables, revprops == null ? new SVNProperties() : revprops);
            if (revprops == null) {
                return SVNCommitInfo.NULL;

            Map allCommitables = new TreeMap(SVNCommitUtil.FILE_COMPARATOR);
            repos.setLocation(repos.getRepositoryRoot(true), false);
            Map pathsToExternalsProps = new SVNHashMap();
            for (int i = 0; i < copyPairs.size(); i++) {
                CopyPair source = (CopyPair) copyPairs.get(i);
                File srcFile = new Resource(source.mySource);
                SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(srcFile, false);
                SVNAdminArea dirArea;
                if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                    dirArea = wcAccess.retrieve(srcFile);
                } else {
                    dirArea = wcAccess.retrieve(srcFile.getParentFile());


                Map sourceCommittables = new HashMap();
                SVNCommitUtil.harvestCommitables(sourceCommittables, dirArea, srcFile,
                        null, entry, source.myDst, entry.getURL(), true, false, false, null, SVNDepth.INFINITY,
                        false, null, commitParameters, pathsToExternalsProps);
                // filter out file externals.
                // path of the source relative to wcAccess anchor.
                String basePath = SVNPathUtil.canonicalizePath(wcAccess.getAnchor().getAbsolutePath());
                String sourcePath = SVNPathUtil.canonicalizePath(srcFile.getAbsolutePath());
                String path = SVNPathUtil.getRelativePath(basePath, sourcePath);
                SVNCommitUtil.filterOutFileExternals(Collections.singletonList(path), sourceCommittables, wcAccess);

                SVNCommitItem item = (SVNCommitItem) allCommitables.get(srcFile);
                SVNURL srcURL = entry.getSVNURL();

                Map mergeInfo = calculateTargetMergeInfo(srcFile, wcAccess, srcURL,
                        source.mySourceRevisionNumber, repos, false);

                Map wcMergeInfo = SVNPropertiesManager.parseMergeInfo(srcFile, entry, false);
                if (wcMergeInfo != null && mergeInfo != null) {
                    mergeInfo = SVNMergeInfoUtil.mergeMergeInfos(mergeInfo, wcMergeInfo);
                } else if (mergeInfo == null) {
                    mergeInfo = wcMergeInfo;
                if (mergeInfo != null) {
                    String mergeInfoString = SVNMergeInfoUtil.formatMergeInfoToString(mergeInfo, null);
                    setCommitItemProperty(item, SVNProperty.MERGE_INFO, SVNPropertyValue.create(mergeInfoString));

                if (!pathsToExternalsProps.isEmpty()) {
                    LinkedList newExternals = new LinkedList();
                    for (Iterator pathsIter = pathsToExternalsProps.keySet().iterator(); pathsIter.hasNext();) {
                        File localPath = (File);
                        String externalsPropString = (String) pathsToExternalsProps.get(localPath);
                        SVNExternal[] externals = SVNExternal.parseExternals(localPath.getAbsolutePath(),
                        boolean introduceVirtualExternalChange = false;
                        for (int k = 0; k < externals.length; k++) {
                            File externalWC = new Resource(localPath, externals[k].getPath());
                            SVNEntry externalEntry = null;
                            SVNRevision externalsWCRevision = SVNRevision.UNDEFINED;

                            try {
                      , false, 0);
                                externalEntry = wcAccess.getEntry(externalWC, false);
                            } catch (SVNException svne) {
                                if (svne instanceof SVNCancelException) {
                                    throw svne;
                            } finally {
                            if (externalEntry == null) {
                                externalEntry = wcAccess.getEntry(externalWC, false);
                            if (externalEntry != null && (externalEntry.isThisDir() || externalEntry.getExternalFilePath() != null)) {
                                externalsWCRevision = SVNRevision.create(externalEntry.getRevision());
                            SVNEntry ownerEntry = wcAccess.getEntry(localPath, false);
                            SVNURL ownerURL = null;
                            if (ownerEntry != null) {
                                ownerURL = ownerEntry.getSVNURL();
                            if (ownerURL == null) {
                                // there is no entry for the directory that has external
                                // property or no url in it?
                            SVNRevision[] revs = externalsHandler.handleExternal(
                                    externals[k].resolveURL(repos.getRepositoryRoot(true), ownerURL),

                            if (revs != null && revs[0].equals(externals[k].getRevision())) {
                            } else if (revs != null) {
                                SVNExternal newExternal = new SVNExternal(externals[k].getPath(),
                                        externals[k].getUnresolvedUrl(), revs[1],
                                        revs[0], true, externals[k].isPegRevisionExplicit(),


                                if (!introduceVirtualExternalChange) {
                                    introduceVirtualExternalChange = true;

                        if (introduceVirtualExternalChange) {
                            String newExternalsProp = "";
                            for (Iterator externalsIter = newExternals.iterator(); externalsIter.hasNext();) {
                                String external = (String);
                                newExternalsProp += external + '\n';

                            SVNCommitItem itemWithExternalsChanges = (SVNCommitItem) allCommitables.get(localPath);
                            if (itemWithExternalsChanges != null) {
                                setCommitItemProperty(itemWithExternalsChanges, SVNProperty.EXTERNALS, SVNPropertyValue.create(newExternalsProp));
                            } else {
                                SVNAdminArea childArea = wcAccess.retrieve(localPath);
                                String relativePath = childArea.getRelativePath(dirArea);
                                String itemURL = SVNPathUtil.append(source.myDst,
                                itemWithExternalsChanges = new SVNCommitItem(localPath,
                                        SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(itemURL), null, SVNNodeKind.DIR, null, null,
                                        false, false, true, false, false, false);
                                setCommitItemProperty(itemWithExternalsChanges, SVNProperty.EXTERNALS, SVNPropertyValue.create(newExternalsProp));
                                allCommitables.put(localPath, itemWithExternalsChanges);

            commitItems = new ArrayList(allCommitables.values());
            // in case of 'base' commit, remove all 'deletions', mark all other items as non-modified, remove additions and copies from other urls.
            if (myIsDisableLocalModificationsCopying) {
                ArrayList harmlessItems = new ArrayList();
                for(int i = 0 ; i < commitItems.size(); i++) {
                    SVNCommitItem item = (SVNCommitItem) commitItems.get(i);
                    if (item.isDeleted()) {
                        // deletion or replacement, skip it.
                    if (item.isAdded()) {
                        if (!item.isCopied()) {
                            // this is just new file or directory
                        SVNURL copyFromURL = item.getCopyFromURL();
                        if (copyFromURL == null) {
                            // also skip.
                        SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getEntry(item.getFile(), false);
                        if (entry == null) {
                        SVNURL expectedURL = entry.getSVNURL();
                        if (!copyFromURL.equals(expectedURL)) {
                            // copied from some other location.
                    setCommitItemFlags(item, false, false);
                commitItems = harmlessItems;
            // add parents to commits hash?
            if (makeParents) {
                for (int i = 0; i < newDirs.size(); i++) {
                    String newDirURL = (String) newDirs.get(i);
                    SVNURL url = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(newDirURL);
                    SVNCommitItem item = new SVNCommitItem(null, url, null, SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, null, true, false, false, false, false, false);
            commitables = (SVNCommitItem[]) commitItems.toArray(new SVNCommitItem[commitItems.size()]);
            for (int i = 0; i < commitables.length; i++) {
                setCommitItemAccess(commitables[i], wcAccess);
            allCommitables = new TreeMap();
            SVNURL url = SVNCommitUtil.translateCommitables(commitables, allCommitables);

            repos = createRepository(url, null, null, true);

            SVNCommitMediator mediator = new SVNCommitMediator(allCommitables);
            tmpFiles = mediator.getTmpFiles();

            message = SVNCommitUtil.validateCommitMessage(message);

            SVNURL rootURL = repos.getRepositoryRoot(true);
            commitEditor = repos.getCommitEditor(message, null, true, revprops, mediator);
            info = SVNCommitter.commit(tmpFiles, allCommitables, rootURL.getPath(), commitEditor);
            commitEditor = null;

        } catch (SVNCancelException cancel) {
            throw cancel;
        } catch (SVNException e) {
            // wrap error message.
            SVNErrorMessage err = e.getErrorMessage().wrap("Commit failed (details follow):");
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
        } finally {
            if (tmpFiles != null) {
                for (Iterator files = tmpFiles.iterator(); files.hasNext();) {
                    File file = (File);
            if (commitEditor != null && info == null) {
                // should we hide this exception?
                try {
                } catch (SVNException e) {
                    SVNDebugLog.getDefaultLog().logFine(SVNLogType.WC, e);
            if (wcAccess != null) {
        if (info != null && info.getNewRevision() >= 0) {
            dispatchEvent(SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(null, SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, info.getNewRevision(), SVNEventAction.COMMIT_COMPLETED, null, null, null), ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
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                } else if (dstParentFileType != SVNFileType.DIRECTORY) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_NOT_DIRECTORY, "Path ''{0}'' is not a directory", dstParent);
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            SVNWCAccess dstAccess = getWCAccess();
            try {
                probeOpen(dstAccess, new Resource(topDst), true, 0);
                for (Iterator pairs = copyPairs.iterator(); pairs.hasNext();) {
                    CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                    SVNEntry dstEntry = dstAccess.getEntry(new Resource(pair.myDst), true);
                    if (dstEntry != null) {
                        if (dstEntry.getDepth() == SVNDepth.EXCLUDE || dstEntry.isAbsent()) {
                            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_EXISTS,
                                    "''{0}'' is already under version control", new Resource(pair.myDst));
                            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
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            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                    "{0} seems to be not a disjoint wc since it has no parent", nestedWC);
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

        SVNWCAccess parentWCAccess = createWCAccess();
        SVNWCAccess nestedWCAccess = createWCAccess();
        try {
            SVNAdminArea parentArea =, true, 0);

            SVNEntry srcEntryInParent = parentWCAccess.getEntry(nestedWC, false);
            if (srcEntryInParent != null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_EXISTS,
                        "Entry ''{0}'' already exists in parent directory", nestedWC.getName());
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            SVNAdminArea nestedArea =, false, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);

            SVNEntry nestedWCThisEntry = nestedWCAccess.getVersionedEntry(nestedWC, false);
            SVNEntry parentThisEntry = parentWCAccess.getVersionedEntry(nestedWCParent, false);

            // uuids may be identical while it might be absolutely independent repositories.
            // subversion uses repos roots comparison for local copies, and uuids comparison for
            // operations involving ra access. so, I believe we should act similarly here.

            if (nestedWCThisEntry.getRepositoryRoot() != null && parentThisEntry.getRepositoryRoot() != null &&
                    !nestedWCThisEntry.getRepositoryRoot().equals(parentThisEntry.getRepositoryRoot())) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_INVALID_SCHEDULE,
                        "Cannot copy to ''{0}'', as it is not from repository ''{1}''; it is from ''{2}''",
                        new Object[] { nestedWCParent, nestedWCThisEntry.getRepositoryRootURL(),
                        parentThisEntry.getRepositoryRootURL() });
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            if (parentThisEntry.isScheduledForDeletion()) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_INVALID_SCHEDULE,
                        "Cannot copy to ''{0}'', as it is scheduled for deletion", nestedWCParent);
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            if (nestedWCThisEntry.isScheduledForDeletion()) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_INVALID_SCHEDULE,
                        "Cannot copy ''{0}'', as it is scheduled for deletion", nestedWC);
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            SVNURL nestedWCReposRoot = getReposRoot(nestedWC, null, SVNRevision.WORKING, nestedArea,
            String nestedWCPath = getPathRelativeToRoot(nestedWC, null, nestedWCReposRoot, nestedWCAccess, null);

            SVNURL parentReposRoot = getReposRoot(nestedWCParent, null, SVNRevision.WORKING, parentArea,
            String parentPath = getPathRelativeToRoot(nestedWCParent, null, parentReposRoot, parentWCAccess, null);

            if (SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(nestedWCPath, parentPath)) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                        "Cannot copy path ''{0}'' into its own child ''{1}",
                        new Object[] { nestedWCPath, parentPath });
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            if ((nestedWCThisEntry.isScheduledForAddition() && !nestedWCThisEntry.isCopied()) ||
                    nestedWCThisEntry.getURL() == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_EXISTS,
                        "Cannot copy or move ''{0}'': it is not in repository yet; " +
                        "try committing first", nestedWC);
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);

            copyDisjointDir(nestedWC, parentWCAccess, nestedWCParent);
            parentWCAccess.probeTry(nestedWC, true, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);
        } finally {
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    private void copyDisjointDir(File nestedWC, SVNWCAccess parentAccess, File nestedWCParent) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCClient wcClient = new SVNWCClient((ISVNAuthenticationManager) null, null);

        SVNWCAccess nestedWCAccess = createWCAccess();
        SVNAdminArea dir;
        String copyFromURL = null;
        long copyFromRevision = -1;
        try {
            dir =, true, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);
            SVNEntry nestedWCThisEntry = nestedWCAccess.getVersionedEntry(nestedWC, false);
            if (nestedWCThisEntry.isCopied()) {
                if (nestedWCThisEntry.getCopyFromURL() != null) {
                    copyFromURL = nestedWCThisEntry.getCopyFromURL();
                    copyFromRevision = nestedWCThisEntry.getCopyFromRevision();

                Map attributes = new SVNHashMap();
                attributes.put(SVNProperty.URL, copyFromURL);
                dir.modifyEntry(dir.getThisDirName(), attributes, true, false);
            } else {
                copyFromURL = nestedWCThisEntry.getURL();
                copyFromRevision = nestedWCThisEntry.getRevision();
        } finally {
        SVNWCManager.add(nestedWC, parentAccess.getAdminArea(nestedWCParent),
                SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(copyFromURL), copyFromRevision, SVNDepth.INFINITY);
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            if (dstParentPath == null) {
                dstParentPath = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(pair.myDst);
            dstParentPath = SVNPathUtil.getCommonPathAncestor(dstParentPath, dstPath);
        SVNWCAccess dstAccess = getWCAccess();
        try {
            open(dstAccess, new Resource(dstParentPath), true, false, 0);
            for (Iterator ps = pairs.iterator(); ps.hasNext();) {
                CopyPair pair = (CopyPair);
                SVNWCAccess srcAccess = null;
                try {
                    // do real copy.
                    File sourceFile = new Resource(pair.mySource);
                    copyFiles(sourceFile, new Resource(dstParentPath), dstAccess, pair.myBaseName);
                } finally {
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            File srcParent = new Resource(SVNPathUtil.removeTail(pair.mySource));
            File dstParent = new Resource(SVNPathUtil.removeTail(pair.myDst));
            File sourceFile = new Resource(pair.mySource);
            SVNFileType srcType = SVNFileType.getType(sourceFile);
            SVNWCAccess srcAccess = createWCAccess();
            SVNWCAccess dstAccess = null;
            try {
      , true, srcType == SVNFileType.DIRECTORY ? -1 : 0);
                if (srcParent.equals(dstParent)) {
                    dstAccess = srcAccess;
                } else {
                    String srcParentPath = srcParent.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
                    srcParentPath = SVNPathUtil.validateFilePath(srcParentPath);
                    String dstParentPath = dstParent.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
                    dstParentPath = SVNPathUtil.validateFilePath(dstParentPath);
                    if (srcType == SVNFileType.DIRECTORY &&
                            SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(srcParentPath, dstParentPath)) {
                        dstAccess = srcAccess;
                        if (dstAccess.getAdminArea(dstParent) == null) {
                  , true, 0);
                    } else {
                        dstAccess = createWCAccess();
              , true, 0);
                copyFiles(sourceFile, dstParent, dstAccess, pair.myBaseName);
                // delete src.
                SVNWCManager.delete(srcAccess, srcAccess.getAdminArea(srcParent), sourceFile, true, true);
            } finally {
                if (dstAccess != null && dstAccess != srcAccess) {
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    private void copyFiles(File src, File dstParent, SVNWCAccess dstAccess, String dstName) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess srcAccess = getWCAccess();
        try {
            probeOpen(srcAccess, src, false, -1);
            SVNEntry dstEntry = dstAccess.getVersionedEntry(dstParent, false);
            SVNEntry srcEntry = srcAccess.getVersionedEntry(src, false);

            if (srcEntry.getRepositoryRoot() != null && dstEntry.getRepositoryRoot() != null &&
                    !srcEntry.getRepositoryRoot().equals(dstEntry.getRepositoryRoot())) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_INVALID_SCHEDULE,
                        "Cannot copy to ''{0}'', as it is not from repository ''{1}''; it is from ''{2}''",
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        SVNFileUtil.copyDirectory(src, dst, true, getEventDispatcher());
        SVNWCClient wcClient = new SVNWCClient((ISVNAuthenticationManager) null, null);

        SVNWCAccess tgtAccess = getWCAccess();
        SVNAdminArea dir;
        String copyFromURL = null;
        long copyFromRevision = -1;
        try {
            dir = open(tgtAccess, dst, true, false, -1);
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            try {
                SVNEntry entry = access.getVersionedEntry(parent, false);
                url = entry.getCopyFromURL();
                rev = entry.getCopyFromRevision();
            } catch (SVNException e) {
                SVNWCAccess wcAccess = SVNWCAccess.newInstance(null);
                try {
                    probeOpen(wcAccess, parent, false, -1);
                    SVNEntry entry = wcAccess.getVersionedEntry(parent, false);
                    url = entry.getCopyFromURL();
                    rev = entry.getCopyFromRevision();
                } finally {
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