public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
Sequence result = null;
try {
AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker indexWorker = (AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker)
if (indexWorker == null) {
logger.error("Unable to find a spatial index worker");
throw new XPathException("Unable to find a spatial index worker");
Geometry geometry = null;
String targetSRS = null;
if (isCalledAs("transform")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
//Try to get the geometry from the index
String sourceSRS = null;
if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
sourceSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise, build it
if (geometry == null) {
sourceSRS = ((Element)geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
targetSRS = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue().trim();
geometry = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry, sourceSRS, targetSRS);
} else if (isCalledAs("WKTtoGML")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
String wkt = args[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue();
WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
try {
geometry = wktReader.read(wkt);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new XPathException(e);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
targetSRS = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue().trim();
} else if (isCalledAs("buffer")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
//Try to get the geometry from the index
if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise, build it
if (geometry == null) {
targetSRS = ((Element)geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
double distance = ((DoubleValue)args[1].itemAt(0)).getDouble();
int quadrantSegments = 8;
int endCapStyle = BufferOp.CAP_ROUND;
if (getArgumentCount() > 2 && Type.subTypeOf(args[2].itemAt(0).getType(), Type.INTEGER))
quadrantSegments = ((IntegerValue)args[2].itemAt(0)).getInt();
if (getArgumentCount() > 3 && Type.subTypeOf(args[3].itemAt(0).getType(), Type.INTEGER))
endCapStyle = ((IntegerValue)args[3].itemAt(0)).getInt();
switch (endCapStyle) {
case BufferOp.CAP_ROUND:
case BufferOp.CAP_BUTT:
case BufferOp.CAP_SQUARE:
logger.error("Invalid line end style");
throw new XPathException("Invalid line end style");
geometry = geometry.buffer(distance, quadrantSegments, endCapStyle);
} else if (isCalledAs("getBbox")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
//Try to get the geometry from the index
if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise, build it
if (geometry == null) {
targetSRS = ((Element)geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
geometry = geometry.getEnvelope();
} else if (isCalledAs("convexHull")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
//Try to get the geometry from the index
if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise, build it
if (geometry == null) {
targetSRS = ((Element)geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
geometry = geometry.convexHull();
} else if (isCalledAs("boundary")) {
if (args[0].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else {
NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
//Try to get the geometry from the index
if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise, build it
if (geometry == null) {
targetSRS = ((Element)geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
if (geometry == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
geometry = geometry.getBoundary();
} else {
Geometry geometry1 = null;
Geometry geometry2 = null;
if (args[0].isEmpty() && args[1].isEmpty())
result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
else if (!args[0].isEmpty() && args[1].isEmpty())
result = args[0].itemAt(0).toSequence();
else if (args[0].isEmpty() && !args[1].isEmpty())
result = args[1].itemAt(0).toSequence();
else {
NodeValue geometryNode1 = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
NodeValue geometryNode2 = (NodeValue) args[1].itemAt(0);
String srsName1 = null;
String srsName2 = null;
//Try to get the geometries from the index
if (geometryNode1.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
srsName1 = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode1, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry1 = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode1, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
if (geometryNode2.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
srsName2 = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy)geometryNode2, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
geometry2 = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy)geometryNode2, false);
hasUsedIndex = true;
//Otherwise build them
if (geometry1 == null) {
srsName1 = ((Element)geometryNode1.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry1 = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode1);
if (geometry2 == null) {
srsName2 = ((Element)geometryNode2.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
geometry2 = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode2);
if (geometry1 == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the first node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the first node");
if (geometry2 == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the second node");
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the second node");
if (srsName1 == null)
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a SRS for the first geometry");
if (srsName2 == null)
throw new XPathException("Unable to get a SRS for the second geometry");
//Transform the second geometry in the SRS of the first one if necessary
if (!srsName1.equalsIgnoreCase(srsName2)) {
geometry2 = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry2, srsName1, srsName2);
if (isCalledAs("intersection")) {
geometry = geometry1.intersection(geometry2);
} else if (isCalledAs("union")) {
geometry = geometry1.union(geometry2);
} else if (isCalledAs("difference")) {
geometry = geometry1.difference(geometry2);
} else if (isCalledAs("symetricDifference")) {
geometry = geometry1.symDifference(geometry2);
targetSRS = srsName1;
if (result == null) {
String gmlPrefix = context.getPrefixForURI(AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker.GML_NS);
if (gmlPrefix == null) {
logger.error("namespace is not defined:" + SpatialModule.PREFIX);
throw new XPathException("'" + AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker.GML_NS + "' namespace is not defined");
try {
MemTreeBuilder builder = context.getDocumentBuilder();
DocumentBuilderReceiver receiver = new DocumentBuilderReceiver(builder);
result = (NodeValue)indexWorker.streamGeometryToElement(geometry, targetSRS, receiver);
} finally {
} catch (SpatialIndexException e) {