String recipientStreamKey = inActivity.getRecipientStreamScope().getUniqueKey();
// create stream hashtag entries for each of the tags being applied
StreamHashTag streamHashTag;
List<String> hashTagStrings = getHashTags(inActivity);
if (hashTagStrings.size() == 0)
for (HashTag hashTag : hashTagMapper.execute(hashTagStrings))
// insert the activity hashtag for the destination stream
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Adding StreamHashTag " + hashTag.getContent() + " for direct recipient stream of type "
+ scopeType + ", key: " + recipientStreamKey + ", activity id: #" + inActivity.getId());
streamHashTag = new StreamHashTag(hashTag, inActivity, recipientStreamKey, scopeType);
streamHashTagInsertMapper.execute(new PersistenceRequest<StreamHashTag>(streamHashTag));