Package org.ethereum.util

Examples of org.ethereum.util.Value


  private void getNode(byte[] node) {
    Value currentNode = this.trie.getCache().get(node);
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  private List<byte[]> collect() {
    if (this.trie.getRoot() == "") {
      return null;
    this.getNode(new Value(this.trie.getRoot()).asBytes());
    return this.shas;
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    public byte[] get(byte[] key) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Retrieving key {}", Hex.toHexString(key));
        byte[] k = binToNibbles(key);
        Value c = new Value(this.get(this.root, k));

        return (c == null)? null : c.asBytes();
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                || (root instanceof String && "".equals((String) root))) {
            return EMPTY_TRIE_HASH;
        } else if (root instanceof byte[]) {
            return (byte[]) this.getRoot();
        } else {
            Value rootValue = new Value(this.getRoot());
            byte[] val = rootValue.encode();
            return HashUtil.sha3(val);
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        // Return the node if key is empty (= found)
        if (key.length == 0 || isEmptyNode(node)) {
            return node;

        Value currentNode = this.getNode(node);
        if (currentNode == null) return null;

        if (currentNode.length() == PAIR_SIZE) {
            // Decode the key
            byte[] k = unpackToNibbles(currentNode.get(0).asBytes());
            Object v = currentNode.get(1).asObj();

            if (key.length >= k.length && Arrays.equals(k, copyOfRange(key, 0, k.length))) {
                return this.get(v, copyOfRange(key, k.length, key.length));
            } else {
                return "";
        } else {
            return this.get(currentNode.get(key[0]).asObj(), copyOfRange(key, 1, key.length));
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        if (isEmptyNode(node)) {
            Object[] newNode = new Object[] { packNibbles(key), value };
            return this.putToCache(newNode);

        Value currentNode = this.getNode(node);

        // Check for "special" 2 slice type node
        if (currentNode.length() == PAIR_SIZE) {
            // Decode the key
            byte[] k = unpackToNibbles(currentNode.get(0).asBytes());
            Object v = currentNode.get(1).asObj();

            // Matching key pair (ie. there's already an object with this key)
            if (Arrays.equals(k, key)) {
                Object[] newNode = new Object[] {packNibbles(key), value};
                return this.putToCache(newNode);

            Object newHash;
            int matchingLength = matchingNibbleLength(key, k);
            if (matchingLength == k.length) {
                // Insert the hash, creating a new node
                byte[] remainingKeypart = copyOfRange(key, matchingLength, key.length);
                newHash = this.insert(v, remainingKeypart, value);

            } else {

                // Expand the 2 length slice to a 17 length slice
                // Create two nodes to putToCache into the new 17 length node
                Object oldNode = this.insert("", copyOfRange(k, matchingLength+1, k.length), v);
                Object newNode = this.insert("", copyOfRange(key, matchingLength+1, key.length), value);

                // Create an expanded slice
                Object[] scaledSlice = emptyStringSlice(17);

                // Set the copied and new node
                scaledSlice[k[matchingLength]] = oldNode;
                scaledSlice[key[matchingLength]] = newNode;
                newHash = this.putToCache(scaledSlice);

            if (matchingLength == 0) {
                // End of the chain, return
                return newHash;
            } else {
                Object[] newNode = new Object[] { packNibbles(copyOfRange(key, 0, matchingLength)), newHash};
                return this.putToCache(newNode);
        } else {

            // Copy the current node over to the new node
            Object[] newNode = copyNode(currentNode);

            // Replace the first nibble in the key
            newNode[key[0]] = this.insert(currentNode.get(key[0]).asObj(), copyOfRange(key, 1, key.length), value);
            return this.putToCache(newNode);
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        if (key.length == 0 || isEmptyNode(node)) {
            return "";

        // New node
        Value currentNode = this.getNode(node);
        // Check for "special" 2 slice type node
        if (currentNode.length() == PAIR_SIZE) {
            // Decode the key
            byte[] k = unpackToNibbles(currentNode.get(0).asBytes());
            Object v = currentNode.get(1).asObj();

            // Matching key pair (ie. there's already an object with this key)
            if (Arrays.equals(k, key)) {
                return "";
            } else if (Arrays.equals(copyOfRange(key, 0, k.length), k)) {
                Object hash = this.delete(v, copyOfRange(key, k.length, key.length));
                Value child = this.getNode(hash);

                Object newNode;
                if (child.length() == PAIR_SIZE) {
                    byte[] newKey = concatenate(k, unpackToNibbles(child.get(0).asBytes()));
                    newNode = new Object[] {packNibbles(newKey), child.get(1).asObj()};
                } else {
                    newNode = new Object[] {currentNode.get(0).asString(), hash};
                return this.putToCache(newNode);
            } else {
                return node;
        } else {
            // Copy the current node over to a new node
            Object[] itemList = copyNode(currentNode);

            // Replace the first nibble in the key
            itemList[key[0]] = this.delete(itemList[key[0]], copyOfRange(key, 1, key.length));

            byte amount = -1;
            for (byte i = 0; i < LIST_SIZE; i++) {
                if (itemList[i] != "") {
                    if (amount == -1) {
                        amount = i;
                    } else {
                        amount = -2;

            Object[] newNode = null;
            if (amount == 16) {
                newNode = new Object[] { packNibbles(new byte[] {16} ), itemList[amount]};
            } else if (amount >= 0) {
                Value child = this.getNode(itemList[amount]);
                if (child.length() == PAIR_SIZE) {
                    key = concatenate(new byte[]{amount}, unpackToNibbles(child.get(0).asBytes()));
                    newNode = new Object[] {packNibbles(key), child.get(1).asObj()};
                } else if (child.length() == LIST_SIZE) {
                    newNode = new Object[] { packNibbles(new byte[]{amount}), itemList[amount]};
            } else {
                newNode = itemList;
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     * @param node -
     * @return
    private Value getNode(Object node) {

        Value val = new Value(node);

        // in that case we got a node
        // so no need to encode it
        if (!val.isBytes()) {
            return val;

        byte[] keyBytes = val.asBytes();
        if (keyBytes.length == 0) {
            return val;
        } else if (keyBytes.length < 32) {
            return new Value(keyBytes);
        return this.cache.get(keyBytes);
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    private Object putToCache(Object node) {
        return this.cache.put(node);

    private boolean isEmptyNode(Object node) {
        Value n = new Value(node);
        return (node == null || (n.isString() && (n.asString() == "" || n.get(0).isNull())) || n.length() == 0);
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    private void scanTree(byte[] hash, ScanAction scanAction) {

        Value node = this.getCache().get(hash);
        if (node == null) return;

        if (node.isList()) {
            List<Object> siblings =  node.asList();
            if (siblings.size() == PAIR_SIZE) {
                Value val = new Value(siblings.get(1));
                if (val.isHashCode())
                    scanTree(val.asBytes(), scanAction);
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < LIST_SIZE; ++j) {
                    Value val = new Value(siblings.get(j));
                    if (val.isHashCode())
                        scanTree(val.asBytes(), scanAction);
            scanAction.doOnNode(hash, node);
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Related Classes of org.ethereum.util.Value

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