
Examples of

            ColumnIdent columnIdent =;
            if (columnIdent.isColumn() && SortParseElement.SCORE_FIELD_NAME.equals( {
                return !context.reverseFlag ? SortParseElement.SORT_SCORE_REVERSE : SortParseElement.SORT_SCORE;

            MultiValueMode sortMode = context.reverseFlag ? MultiValueMode.MAX : MultiValueMode.MIN;
            SearchContext searchContext = context.context.searchContext();

            FieldMapper fieldMapper = context.context.searchContext().smartNameFieldMapper(columnIdent.fqn());
            SortOrder sortOrder = new SortOrder(context.reverseFlag, context.nullFirst);
            IndexFieldData.XFieldComparatorSource fieldComparatorSource =
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        String fieldName = null;
        List<GeoPoint> geoPoints = new ArrayList<>();
        DistanceUnit unit = DistanceUnit.DEFAULT;
        GeoDistance geoDistance = GeoDistance.DEFAULT;
        boolean reverse = false;
        MultiValueMode sortMode = null;
        String nestedPath = null;
        Filter nestedFilter = null;

        boolean normalizeLon = true;
        boolean normalizeLat = true;

        XContentParser.Token token;
        String currentName = parser.currentName();
        while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
            if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
                currentName = parser.currentName();
            } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
                parseGeoPoints(parser, geoPoints);

                fieldName = currentName;
            } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
                // the json in the format of -> field : { lat : 30, lon : 12 }
                if ("nested_filter".equals(currentName) || "nestedFilter".equals(currentName)) {
                    ParsedFilter parsedFilter = context.queryParserService().parseInnerFilter(parser);
                    nestedFilter = parsedFilter == null ? null : parsedFilter.filter();
                } else {
                    fieldName = currentName;
                    GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint();
                    GeoUtils.parseGeoPoint(parser, point);
            } else if (token.isValue()) {
                if ("reverse".equals(currentName)) {
                    reverse = parser.booleanValue();
                } else if ("order".equals(currentName)) {
                    reverse = "desc".equals(parser.text());
                } else if (currentName.equals("unit")) {
                    unit = DistanceUnit.fromString(parser.text());
                } else if (currentName.equals("distance_type") || currentName.equals("distanceType")) {
                    geoDistance = GeoDistance.fromString(parser.text());
                } else if ("normalize".equals(currentName)) {
                    normalizeLat = parser.booleanValue();
                    normalizeLon = parser.booleanValue();
                } else if ("sort_mode".equals(currentName) || "sortMode".equals(currentName) || "mode".equals(currentName)) {
                    sortMode = MultiValueMode.fromString(parser.text());
                } else if ("nested_path".equals(currentName) || "nestedPath".equals(currentName)) {
                    nestedPath = parser.text();
                } else {
                    GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint();
                    fieldName = currentName;

        if (normalizeLat || normalizeLon) {
            for (GeoPoint point : geoPoints) {
                GeoUtils.normalizePoint(point, normalizeLat, normalizeLon);

        if (sortMode == null) {
            sortMode = reverse ? MultiValueMode.MAX : MultiValueMode.MIN;

        if (sortMode == MultiValueMode.SUM) {
            throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("sort_mode [sum] isn't supported for sorting by geo distance");

        FieldMapper<?> mapper = context.smartNameFieldMapper(fieldName);
        if (mapper == null) {
            throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("failed to find mapper for [" + fieldName + "] for geo distance based sort");
        final MultiValueMode finalSortMode = sortMode; // final reference for use in the anonymous class
        final IndexGeoPointFieldData geoIndexFieldData = context.fieldData().getForField(mapper);
        final FixedSourceDistance[] distances = new FixedSourceDistance[geoPoints.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i< geoPoints.size(); i++) {
            distances[i] = geoDistance.fixedSourceDistance(geoPoints.get(i).lat(), geoPoints.get(i).lon(), unit);
        ObjectMapper objectMapper;
        if (nestedPath != null) {
            ObjectMappers objectMappers = context.mapperService().objectMapper(nestedPath);
            if (objectMappers == null) {
                throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("failed to find nested object mapping for explicit nested path [" + nestedPath + "]");
            objectMapper = objectMappers.mapper();
            if (!objectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
                throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("mapping for explicit nested path is not mapped as nested: [" + nestedPath + "]");
        } else {
            objectMapper = context.mapperService().resolveClosestNestedObjectMapper(fieldName);
        final Nested nested;
        if (objectMapper != null && objectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
            BitDocIdSetFilter rootDocumentsFilter = context.bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(NonNestedDocsFilter.INSTANCE);
            BitDocIdSetFilter innerDocumentsFilter;
            if (nestedFilter != null) {
                innerDocumentsFilter = context.bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(nestedFilter);
            } else {
                innerDocumentsFilter = context.bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(objectMapper.nestedTypeFilter());
            nested = new Nested(rootDocumentsFilter, innerDocumentsFilter);
        } else {
            nested = null;

        IndexFieldData.XFieldComparatorSource geoDistanceComparatorSource = new IndexFieldData.XFieldComparatorSource() {

            public SortField.Type reducedType() {
                return SortField.Type.DOUBLE;

            public FieldComparator<?> newComparator(String fieldname, int numHits, int sortPos, boolean reversed) throws IOException {
                return new FieldComparator.DoubleComparator(numHits, null, null) {
                    protected NumericDocValues getNumericDocValues(LeafReaderContext context, String field) throws IOException {
                        final MultiGeoPointValues geoPointValues = geoIndexFieldData.load(context).getGeoPointValues();
                        final SortedNumericDoubleValues distanceValues = GeoDistance.distanceValues(geoPointValues, distances);
                        final NumericDoubleValues selectedValues;
                        if (nested == null) {
                            selectedValues =, Double.MAX_VALUE);
                        } else {
                            final BitSet rootDocs = nested.rootDocs(context).bits();
                            final BitSet innerDocs = nested.innerDocs(context).bits();
                            selectedValues =, Double.MAX_VALUE, rootDocs, innerDocs, context.reader().maxDoc());
                        return selectedValues.getRawDoubleValues();
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                String fieldName = parser.currentName();
                boolean reverse = false;
                String missing = null;
                String innerJsonName = null;
                String unmappedType = null;
                MultiValueMode sortMode = null;
                Filter nestedFilter = null;
                String nestedPath = null;
                token = parser.nextToken();
                if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
                    String direction = parser.text();
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        String script = null;
        String scriptLang = null;
        String type = null;
        Map<String, Object> params = null;
        boolean reverse = false;
        MultiValueMode sortMode = null;
        String nestedPath = null;
        Filter nestedFilter = null;

        XContentParser.Token token;
        String currentName = parser.currentName();
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