if (concreteIndices.length == 0) {
listener.onResponse(new DeleteIndexResponse(true));
// TODO: this API should be improved, currently, if one delete index failed, we send a failure, we should send a response array that includes all the indices that were deleted
final CountDown count = new CountDown(concreteIndices.length);
for (final String index : concreteIndices) {
deleteIndexService.deleteIndex(new MetaDataDeleteIndexService.Request(index).timeout(request.timeout()).masterTimeout(request.masterNodeTimeout()), new MetaDataDeleteIndexService.Listener() {
private volatile Throwable lastFailure;
private volatile boolean ack = true;
public void onResponse(MetaDataDeleteIndexService.Response response) {
if (!response.acknowledged()) {
ack = false;
if (count.countDown()) {
if (lastFailure != null) {
} else {
listener.onResponse(new DeleteIndexResponse(ack));
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
logger.debug("[{}] failed to delete index", t, index);
lastFailure = t;
if (count.countDown()) {