* @see org.ejml.ops.CommonOps#mult(org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F, org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F, org.ejml.data.RowD1Matrix64F)
public static void mult_small( DenseD2Matrix64F a , DenseD2Matrix64F b , DenseD2Matrix64F c )
if( a.numCols != b.numRows ) {
throw new MatrixDimensionException("The 'a' and 'b' matrices do not have compatible dimensions");
} else if( a.numRows != c.numRows || b.numCols != c.numCols ) {
throw new MatrixDimensionException("The results matrix does not have the desired dimensions");
double dataA[][] = a.data;
double dataB[][] = b.data;
double dataR[][] = c.data;