Subclasses obtain the following capabilities:
). This class provides appropriate conversion to the older JFace preference API (org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore
returns the JFace preference store (cf. Plugin.getPluginPreferences
which returns a core runtime preferences object.initializeDefaultPreferences
to set up any default values for preferences using JFace API. In this case, initializeDefaultPluginPreferences
should not be overridden.initializeDefaultPluginPreferences
to set up any default values for preferences using core runtime API. In this case, initializeDefaultPreferences
should not be overridden.getDialogSettings
. A dialog store file is first looked for in the plug-in's read/write state area; if not found there, the plug-in's install directory is checked. This allows a plug-in to ship with a read-only copy of a dialog store file containing initial values for certain settings.saveDialogSettings
to cause settings to be saved in the plug-in's read/write state area. A plug-in may opt to do this each time a wizard or dialog is closed to ensure the latest information is always safe on disk. For easy access to your plug-in object, use the singleton pattern. Declare a static variable in your plug-in class for the singleton. Store the first (and only) instance of the plug-in class in the singleton when it is created. Then access the singleton when needed through a static getDefault
See the description on {@link Plugin}.